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Au: if you think hard enough, you can hear your soulmates thoughts and words.

Zoning out was something L was good at. Especially when Light was talking. He was just so irritating that he'd focus on literally anything else. A fly on the window is more entertaining than listening to light.

So when Light decided to start ranting about kira and how he could totally never be kira, of course L zoned right the fuck out. And he gonna himself wondering what his soulmate was doing, so naturally he began to focus on that in hopes he'd hear you. Starting out a bit patchy, only hearing a few words and sounds he focused as hard as he could.

Alright which one of these limp noodles isn't locking up the cleaning products after their shift?

He snickered slightly at the limp noodles comment. You were probably at work from the context of that comment.

Right, done for the day... better get going. Pets don't feed themselves.

Pets? You had pets? What kind? 

This was all so interesting. He'd heard some of your thoughts before but never really tuned in for that long because he'd be too busy working. But now that Lights rants are giving him some time to kill, maybe he could try and figure out who you were. Your thoughts were silent for a while apart from the occasional comments on things on your walk home.

Hey bud, did you miss me? Aw I missed you too.

You were home. Probably talking to your pets from the babying voice.

Aren't you hyper today? Surely you can't have missed me that much. I was only gone for four hours.

Four hour shifts? That might be useful. So far he knew you had pets and worked four hour shifts on Tuesdays. If he could get your name, or the name of someone close to you he might be able to track you down.

You want some munchies? Alright I'll get you some snacks. So demanding today...

He listened, waited for something that would indicate what kind of pet you had.

Oi quit running around. You aren't late to a meeting with the queen here.

Alice in wonderland reference? Was your pet a bunny? That could be useful too.

Four hour shifts, pet bunny. If he could get more information he could try hunting though records from workplaces and vets or hospitals.

If you don't stop jumping mama (y/n) won't give you any munchies!

(Y/n)!  A name. Light not paying any attention at all, L grabbed his laptop and got up all the databases he could, typing in your name and checking though people with that name for any matching details. There were lots of people in the world with your name, but if he could narrow it down to people that matched your details he could easily track you down.

Pulling up all the vet records he could he looked for a (y/n) with a pet bunny. Finding a few results scattered around the world. He then pulled up work timetables for people under your name. Trying to find a matching first and last name that had very records and a four hour shift on a Thursday.

He scrolled though page after page, lights ranting completely blocked out. He didn't even know what Light was talking about at this point. Until he finally found something.

Vet records under (y/n) (l/n). She owned a bunny. And that same name was working at a cafe with a four hour shift on a Thursday. That was it. It had to be you. He pulled up medical records under the name to find out were you were born and lived.

(Y/n) (l/n)
Born in (birthplace)
Currently resides in Tokyo Japan.

This looked about right. It had your height, weight, blood types, medical conditions and at the bottom was your phone number, email and address.

L's eyes lit up when he read the address. It was in the apartment block across the road. What luck you were so close all this time and he didn't know it. He had to go see you.

He got up, grabbing his phone and keys and stuffing them in his pockets.

"Wha- you're just going to leave in the middle of me talking?" Light asked.

"Yeah" L replied.

"Where are you even going?"

L lazily slipped on his shoes not bothering to tie the up.


Leaving Lights ranting ass behind he headed for the door, crossed the empty road and took the stairs up to your floor. Finding the right door, he bought his hand up to knock. Then a sudden wave of shyness came over him. What if you didn't like him?

Nonsense, you had to, he was your soulmate.

There was no use behind shy, so even though he was kind of nervous he knocked anyway. Some movement could be heard and the door opened.

"Uh hey?" You said, holding a bunny in your arms still wearing your work uniform.

"That's a whole bunny, it really is you..." L smiled.

"Have me met?"

"Not yet... but I'm sure you've heard my thoughts"

It took a second, but it clicked.





"Holy shit! How did you find me? Have you really been listening to me think for that long?" You smiled.

"My job makes it easy to find people. I heard bunny, I heard your work hours and I heard your name so I went looking though records from vets and work places with matching details" he explained.

"That's so smart! I've wanted to try and find you but I could never figure out how to start. Your thoughts are so weird out of context. What's this about wanting to 1 v 1 the light? You planning to spray a water gun at the sun or something?"

L laughed at that, realising just how weird his thoughts would be completely out of context.

"Well... yes, but actually no... it's a long story" he giggled.

"I have plenty of time L. Is that just a nickname I hear or are you really the detective planning on fucking up kira?" You joked.


That confirmed it. You never thought when he called himself L he actually meant THE L. There was only one thing you could fathom to say...

"No. Fucking. Way"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz