1. All Around Me Are Familiar Faces...

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She knew the name, but now to find the face. All of the faces. And to get her memory back...

As soon as she got out of this forest that is.

Edalyn stood up, brushing off her incredibly filthy clothes and looking around, then she chose a random direction and started walking.

In about a quarter-mile, she came to what appeared to be a market. She got through it okay, except for a tiny dog thing who want paying attention tripped her by a stand of human junk, and a purple pixie demanding her skin.

She kept walking, eventually finding a building with a screeching, hoarse, bandages bell with a bunch of kids coming in and out of it, one of them with floppy brown hair snickering as she passed, commenting how disgustingly grimy she was. 

But she continued on. She was looking for someplace familiar, someplace connected to her mother, her father, or Edric Blight. Why was he the last face she saw anyway? Do many questions, none of which had answers.

 "Hello! Hoot hoot!"

 Edalyn jumped. Then she ran. She ran until her legs gave out, right in front of a familiar name; Blight Manor.

Edalyn assessed the best way to get in, as one of the few things she remembered about Edric is that his parents didn't take too kindly to strangers showing up on their doorstep.

Eventually, she just struggled to scale the wall and climb through a window.

She had climbed into some sort of bedroom, with a lot of rubber bands strewn everywhere and posters, one of the dog thing that had tripped her, on the walls.

A tall, green-haired girl walked in, answering a question over her shoulder. She shut the door, closed her eyes, and sighed, sliding down the door.

And then get eyes were open. She shrieked so loud that one of her pillows inn her bed screeched back.


A/N: Yes, many familiar faces made appearances this chapter, hence the name. Bite it Eda, King was running the show today. Also, this I'd just how I picture Emira's room. I'll explain it in more detail next chapter. Peace out yada yada yada.

P. S. Sorry about the pic, I had it saved and I HAD to use it.

Edalyn Clawthorne IIWhere stories live. Discover now