New Friend?.. (fixing cover later)

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Statehumans and Countryhumans AU: New Friend?... 6/30/20

The forest was lit by the sunset. The sky was purple, orange, yellow, you probably know. The whole city was lit as well. A normal story, don't ya think? June 30, it wasn't. The Soviet Union was dragging one of America's states (Iowa) around the forest. He was done with the statehuman. Someone noticed and spied on them. The country(?) lifted his gun at the state's forehead. "Say another word and I'll blow your brains out." The state nodded. "Hey! Leave him alone!" The someone said. The person was wearing all black, one eye was black and another was yellow. This 'someone' was the UPA. "Shooting him isn't very likely of you. So I suggest leaving him alone." Soviet ignored him. The statehuman was trying to run away. A shooting star flew across the sky. UPA just grabbed the state and ran away (don't ask why he did that, I don't know.)

All the countries and states and other living humans lived in this one house. It was a rather big house. I mean estate-like big. If not, even bigger.

The taller person (I mean UPA who is 6'2, Iowa is 5'1, and Soviet is 7'5.) set Iowa down when they got to his room. He rubbed his own eyes and sighed, staring down at him. "I am so sorry.." The statehuman didn't seem to be bothered by this person's help. "No need to. It's okay!.." The guy seemed rather surprised. "What's your name, little one?.." (*offended Iowa noises*) The state managed to make eye contact with this rando. "I- um.. Iowa, I guess.." he was... quiet. Nothing new if you know Iowa well and about his past. "Nice to meet ya. I'm the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, but you can just call me UPA. Is Soviet your father?.." Iowa suddenly remembered what happened before he was saved. He fought back tears as he nodded and bit his lip. "Stepfather. We aren't related..." UPA looked at him. "Well, I can protect you if you'd like?... I understand if you don't want me to." UPA crossed his fingers behind his back. Iowa felt safe for once. Even if he felt safe, he couldn't trust this guy completely, but he was desperate for help. "Sure, I could trust you anyways." Deep inside, he knew he was probably lying to himself. The 'rando' smiled and patted the state in the head (*inhales and exhales while typing*). "You can go now if you want." Iowa kinda just went no. "I'll stay for a bit.."

(Message from the writer!: Hello, it's me irrelevaant! If any reader follows along with this roleplay, I'm sorry, I can't exactly memorize everything that happened in the roleplay. I also kind of switched some stuff around. Back to the story :3)

The state kind of just hugged him. The other chuckled and hugged him. Iowa didn't seem to want to let go. "You like hugs, do you?..." Iowa simply nodded. UPA let go. (9/12/20: I can't think. I dunno what to write now. Also, it's 7:53 PM as I'm typing but I'm tired. This is also kinda cute imo.)

The statehuman stood up. "Well, I'll see you later!.." He walked out of the room. He started running to the flower fields to relax a little. Surprise surprise, the Russian Empire is there, nice.

He's different, unlike his son, Soviet. He wasn't violent to innocent people. Iowa sat down next to him. "Привет, Iowa." Iowa understood what Empire was saying. He knew the language ever since Soviet took him away. "Привет to you too, Empire." He didn't respond as he was busy with the flowers. Sometime after that, also unexpectedly, Iowa placed a flower crown on the Empire's head before leaving. He watched the state leave, a small smile forming in his face.

Iowa skipped through the woods, guess who's lurking there?~ Soviet, as always. Somehow, UPA sensed something and ran to the woods. Soviet shot Iowa's left leg. He squealed in pain and fell to the floor, using his arms to somewhat break the fall, but it still hurt him. The other one screamed. Even if he was scared of the Soviet, he stood in front of Iowa. "Що is wrong with ти?!" Soviet ignored the question. "Screw off, gremlin!" He tried to shoot Iowa again, but UPA moved Iowa away, getting himself shot. The statehuman screamed and tried helping him up. "UPA, НЕТ!" The guy simply ignored Iowa's worries. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?! LAME!" Soviet shot him again. The Russian ran off with the state. Frustrated in his broken efforts, he stumbled his way to the home.

Everything got blurry, then he passed out from blood loss. Alabama noticed and screamed and rushed him to the hospital. He suddenly woke up. Alabama was sitting beside him. "Hello. You passed out and I didn't have a choice but to take you here. I understand you probably didn't want this." He sat up straight. "Здравствуйте, and thank you. Do you know where Iowa is?..." Alabama shook his head. "I last saw him with the USSR, he was being dragged to a room. There was- blood on his shirt..." Tears started to fall down Alabama's eyes. This frustrated UPA. "Ima find him, hold on!" He started running to the exit. Alabama chased after him. "You still haven't recovered! What are you doing!?"

He got back to the house and looked for the rooms. Thank god Iowa was throwing vases at the door. This helped UPA find him easily. "БЛЮБ, IT'S LOCKED!" The state got scared. "C-calm down!... I can't unlock it... I'm hurt.." East Germany showed up, punched her fist through the door, and unlocked it somehow. "Thank me later-" She walked away as both Iowa and UPA's expressions were almost copies of each other, other than the eyepatch Iowa was wearing, making the expressions different. "Are you okay?..." He was extremely concerned. Iowa looked at his shirt that was soaked with blood, then back at him with a 'bish' expression. "Oh, would you like some help?" He nodded. "I would appreciate that." He sighed. "Alright, hang in there."

He got back to the house and looked for the rooms. Thank god Iowa was throwing vases at the door. This helped UPA find him easily. "БЛЮБ, IT'S LOCKED!" The state got scared. "C-calm down!... I can't unlock it... I'm hurt.." East Germany showed up, punched her fist through the door, and unlocked it somehow. "Thank me later-" She walked away as both Iowa and UPA's expressions were almost copies of each other, other than the eyepatch Iowa was wearing, making the expressions different. "Are you okay?..." He was extremely concerned. Iowa looked at his shirt that was soaked with blood, then back at him with a 'bish' expression. "Oh, would you like some help?" He nodded. "I would appreciate that." He sighed. "Alright, hang in there."

As soon as the doctor left Iowa alone, he started running to the exit; hiding in carts, behind walls, etc. He got to the house and ran inside, heading to the room UPA was in. He gently knocked on the door, waiting until it would be opened. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be at the hospital." Iowa didn't hesitate to hug him. He jumped a little at the sudden move and hugged back, gently stroking the floof in his hair. He continued this until Iowa was asleep. Then he stopped and headed to the statehuman's room and gently placed him there, and then left.

Iowa bolted awake, crying a little from a nightmare he had about WW2. He was shaking, crying, whispering to himself how it's gonna be okay, things someone would say... "She'll pay, I'm gonna get her back one day, she killed my friends, family, comrades... I will NOT let her off the hook!" He got off the bed and looked through old photos. One of the photos fell from the box that was above his head, scratching his right eye. "OW!" Finland ran in. "Hey, Iowa, you okay??" He nodded and refused to look over at her. She suddenly hugged him. He didn't have a choice but to hug back. After a while, she let go and left. UPA opened the door. "What happened to your eye?.." He knelt down to the small state's height. "I-I'm okay.." He grabbed the stuffed rabbit that was missing an ear, as well as two large button eyes and hugged it tightly. The last thing his old soldier friend gave him a week before the war.

"Whatever it is, hopefully, you'll be fine." He pat the state gently and walked out of the room. Iowa felt. No, no, no, no. What is he thinking now?! No! He would never have feelings for- w a i t. He accepted the fact that he felt this way and sat on the bed, more confused than before. "God, what do I do?..." He hid his face and sighed in frustration. Great... his life is just complicated!


Hallo! I am irrelevaant. This was very fun to write, even if I got stuck on parts. This roleplay was extremely fun, especially as an AU. Link:
Thanks for reading this!


Also I'm deleting the other one, since I have 2 books of these holy shi-

The Fallen Star Kingdom BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora