2 - The Cookie Disaster (That Kyoko Doesn't Like To Talk About)

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Based on the day 21 prompt: Cooking/Baking

Sayaka thought it would be a fun idea to bake cookies with her love, but it doesn't quite go as planned...


"AaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!" Kyoko stammered. Drooling shamelessly at the picture on the small cardboard box. She began opening it. "You bought me cookies! Oh my God I love you Sa-"

She pulled a plastic packet containing a fine, white-ish powder.

"Um, Sayaka," Kyoko muttered holding up the packet to her girlfrend. "What's this?"

"Oh, it's a baking mix," Sayaka replied, picking up the box and pointing to it. "Just follow the recipe on here and by the end we'll have these cookies to eat."

Kyoko stared at the blue-haired girl dumbfoundedly. "You mean...it needs effort?"

"Uhh.." Sayaka's voice trailed off, nervous that Kyoko wasn't happy with the gift. "I was thinking...um...we could...make them together."

"Aww man," Kyoko whined. "I want cookies now!"

Sayaka threw her hands up to reassure the red-head. "It'll be fun," she said. "I promise."

Kyoko contemplated the offer. The last time Sayaka said that she hadn't regretted it (and I mean REALLY hadn't regretted it). "Alright, what the hell," Kyoko said after a few moments.

"Yay!" Sayaka exclaimed, giving her a tight hug with glee. "Thanks Kyoko. You're the best."

Kyoko felt her cheeks redden. "Well, uhm- no worries Sayaka...


Sayaka eased back out of the hug to look at her love. She had to take a moment to stop herself from getting completely mesmerised by them. "What is it?" She asked.

"Well, you see-" Kyoko muttered, biting her lip nervously with one of her small fangs. "I can't cook to save my life."

Sayaka took a moment to take that in. At first, she didn't believe it. All Kyoko ever did was eat!

"Although, when you think about it, all you ever eat are apples and junk food..."

Sayaka was pulled from her thoughts by a pissed-off glare and a firm punch to the shoulder from Kyoko. Thought she didn't flinch, she was pretty much used to it by now.

"Sorry, I said that out loud didn't I?" Sayaka said, apologising with a small kiss to the forehead.

Kyoko responded by pouting without saying a single word.

Sayaka gave her a sympathetic look. "Come on, kiddo. The sooner we get started making these cookies the sooner we can eat them."

The thought of food made Kyoko's eyes light up, and she started drooling again. Then she realised Sayaka had called her "kiddo"...

"Hey! I'm the older one here!" She snapped, balling her hand into a fist.

"Well I act more like it," Sayaka teased, poking her on the nose as she spoke.

"Grrr," Kyoko muttered under her breath, pouting even harder than before, and crossing her arms with a "hmph!"

Sayaka couldn't help but giggle. "Geez Kyoko, you're such a kid! Anyone would think you'd gone soft on me!"

Kyoko's face flushed bright red. "H-hey!-"

"I think it's cute," Sayaka said, cutting her off by putting a hand against her cheek. She let the touch linger for a moment, her fingertips gently sliding down her neck a few inches.

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