Chapter 12- Lux Lunae

Start from the beginning

"It's your birthday, and I have nothing else to give you- nor any ideas for anything creative." She said apologetically. Well, nothing creative which could be given in hand, not really...or in public.

"Better than what Peter did, he just gave me about twenty years' worth of paperwork. Which was already mine, by the way." He rolled his eyes, sitting down beside her.

"Glad to hear I don't have the worst gift idea." She gave a small laugh. She then paused, as she wondered how to broach the topic of giving her gift. She should have rehearsed this, damn it. "Aren't you hot?"

It was getting a little warm in there, and he admitted so. He decided not to comment on the candles, though. He didn't want to ruin this.
Whatever this was. He didn't know what it was, and didn’t mind- it was a nice, peaceful, soothing moment with his wife, who had finally called him by his name. It was a very nice end to his nineteenth birthday.

"You- you can take off your tunic, you know."

"No, it's alright. I'll just change into my nightshirt, it's airy and comfortable." He shrugged. "It's not that hot."

And she thought she was oblivious.
So, she decided to take charge and said, quite forcefully, "Edmund, take off your tunic."

He turned to look at her, and blinked. Curiouser and curiouser.

"Because I'm wearing nothing under this robe, and I would prefer it if you mirrored my state of undress, at least half way." Sanya said, her voice impressively calm- even she was surprised by how calm and staid she sounded. Not looking at her husband, even though she desperately wanted to, and instead staring at a candle, she let her robe drop down another inch- revealing her biceps to be naked as well as exposing the tops of her bare breasts.

"Wh- OH. I- oh. Alright." He nodded- now wondering if he had fallen asleep at supper.
If he had- this was turning out to be the best dream he'd ever had.
Obeying his wife's words, he pulled the tunic over his head and dropped it on the floor. "You really-"

"Yes." And her voice was emotional and husky and honest and it stirred something in him. She went on, candidly, "Doing this with you- I never used to think during it, my mind went so blissfully blank. I just- I just did, and I enjoyed and I felt pleasure- like I'd never known it. You made me feel so light, Edmund- so lo- so cared for and worthwhile. So yes- yes, really."

"Say it." He said, still not daring to believe his good fortune. This WAS a dream. "Please."

Her face turned towards him, just a little but her eyes were still downturned. "Fuck me, Edmund Pevensie?"

He liked her saying his name. He liked it a lot.
"Oh, I will."

He saw her lips curve up into a smile as they moved closer to each other.

"Excellent." She whispered, pushing her hair to one side, leaving her neck and shoulder uncovered, and she licked her lips.

"And thank you for the gift- gifts." He murmured, lowering his mouth to her exposed shoulder.

"You're welcome." She breathed-
and as lips touched skin, she could no longer find the will nor could she even want to find the will to keep holding her robe around herself, and thus she let it drop completely- letting skin touch skin as well.


"Uhnn..." Sanya moaned weakly as she turned over in bed. "Thneit."

Edmund was unable to make head or tail of her utterance. He'd been awake for hours.
He had been looking at her since he had woken up- he’d been watching her in her slumber, so peaceful and at rest and simply beautiful. Usually, it was soon after he woke that he began to stress about the work that he had to do- but having her there, next to him, with her warmth and shifting every few minutes to be closer to him- it had been soothing.
"Pardon me?"

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