Episode XX (Last Jedi)Plenty

Start from the beginning

"STOP ENJOYING THIS!!! STOP ENJOYING THIS!!!!" I yelled as Rose laughed. We cut off into the garden jumping over the bushes but then we noticed that we were getting closer and closer to the casino and the creature jumped right through the window! Screams and yells came from the people inside as they ran away trying to escape. The Hurd jumped over chairs and tables, making different things fly everywhere. We went down the stairs and finally out into the street where more people were scrambling to get out of the way.

"Our ship's on the beach!" I yelled. "Straight ahead!"
I looked up for there was a light shining above us. It was the cops. "We need cover!" The creature ran into a ally (Which was way too small)
"Too much cover!" I yelled as Rose and I got tangled in the string lights. We then jumped out of a window and onto the beach, our ship straight in front of us.

"There it is!" I shouted pointing to the ship. But then one of the cops shot at it making it blow up.
"NO!" Rose and I yelled.
"Come on!!!"

The Hurd then ran up the cliff and into the feilds for cover. Rose looked behind us and guided us away from the Hurd and losing the cops.
"I think we lost them." I said. "Now we get down to the beach and circle back around-"

"CLIFF!!!!!" Rose shouted.
The creature wirled us around making us fall off and roll almost falling off the edge.

"We're trapped." Said Rose as we both got up.
The cops were coming closer and closer.
"It was worth it though. To tear up that town. Make 'em hurt."
Rose went up to the creature and pulled off the saddle. She told it to go and it ran off the be with the rest at the top of the small hill.

"Now it's worth it."

Then a ship appeared behind us and we turned around swiftly.
The bottom hatch opened and BB-8 came out.

"BB-8!" I exclaimed. "Wait, are you flying that thing?!"
BB-8 chirped excitedly.
Then the same man from the cell came out!
"Ah!" He said. "N-N-Need a lift?!"

Eclypse's POV

The past week has been going...

The Supreme Leader gave me a new uniform to wear since I needed it to fit in and it wasn't comfortable. It was charcoal gray and very plain, I had to wear a binder underneath so it made it very hot even if the Finalizer was cold as hell, it was tight around my neck since the collar went so high, and the two code cylinders strapped to my left breast were heavy. But the things I did like were that the pants were slightly puffed at the thighs that gave me some air, and I got to keep my boots since the boots they had were similar but they added to my height and I don't care for that. I'm tall enough naturally being 5'10", I don't wish to tower over anyone any more than I already do.

And also on the first day I started working Hux refused to let me work because I let my hair stay down instead of tying it up in a bun like the rest so for the past six days my head hurts like hell since my bun has been so high.

I've been getting a lot of dirty looks as well from the entire fleet. When I walk down the halls, whispers from the officers and stormtroopers about me, A Sith scum who could very well take care of herself, A rat having a field day in the garbage shoot, A virus, many think that because I'm paired with Kylo Ren to work since we are both Commanders that I'm trying to get under his skin or into his pants. And also about why I stepped down from the throne. It makes me not want not come out of my quarters. And all I have to say is that, Phasma's troops are about as dumb as battle droids. They cant't even shot a target! I really wonder how the First Order get to such power with this kind of army. Ren's been no help either.

Though I won't let him talk to me, The Supreme Leader has paired us to work together so I have to deal with him being a bastard on the daily.
I truly don't understand how anyone gets any work completed with him around, he's made my job way harder. And yes, I try my hardest to ignore it but it won't work. So today, Kylo Ren will be getting a taste of his own medicine.

"General Saxe, " I stared as I walked into the command deck, a yellow folder in hand. I rolled my eyes though because she was already busy arguing with Hux. "General Saxe." I repeated more annoyed.

The two continued to argue about whatever they were arguing about. "General!" I said louder making the two stop and say: "Yes, Commander?!" both very annoyed.
"Not you Hux." I brushed off. He glared at Saxe one last time before stomping out. "Kaitlin," I breathed out. "It's been a week and you and Hux are already at each other's throats."

"You're one to talk." She scoffed and folded her arms. "You and Kylo Ren have had your moments."

It took me everything not to scream at her just for that comment, which I really wanted to but I instead bit the inside of my cheek and clenched my fists to control my anger.
"Watch what you say, General." I hissed. "You might end up getting hurt in the process....."
Saxe exhaled sharply. "What did you come to tell me, Nova?"
"The Supreme Leader has a new assignment for you." I sighed and handed her the folder. She took it and she and I nodded to each other before I left the command deck.

As I walked down the hall the whispers started again. Stormtroopers, Officers, Lieutenants, and Admirals were muttering amongst themselves about me.

"I heard that she only joined The First Order to overpower Snoke and take over the throne." Said an Admiral whispering to his colleague.
Ok this time I let it boil over.
In a split second, I took out my doublesaber and ignited it then held it to the man's throat.
"Say another f*cking word and I swear that I will kill you right here."
The Admiral gulped and nodded in fear.
"Good." I said then smirked. "Now leave and get back to work."
"Yes, Commander!" Both the Admiral and his colleague said before running off.

My face became hot with anger as I heard footsteps come up behind me.
I turned around pointing my saber at General Hux who simply stood still, his face still as stiff as ever.
"What do you want, Hux?" I asked irritation lacing my voice.
"Can you deliver this message to Ren?" Hux inquiried holding out a small folded piece of paper.
"And why can't you do that?"

"Because you are his colleague. And I expect you to do these kinds of things."

I scoffed as I took the paper and retracted my lightsaber.
"Fine." I said.
I swiftly turned my back on Hux and paced farther down the hallway to Ren's quarters.

When I reached his quarters I knocked on the door waiting for any answer.
"Ren, it's me." I said knocking again.
"Ren, this is important."
There still wasn't an answer.
"Damn....." I whispered to myself. "Don't make me come in there!"
I sighed putting my hand on the door knob.
I opened the door for a sight I was definitely not prepared to see.

It was Ren and Rey... touching hands. The way they looked at each other made my blood boil, but it also made me wish I had someone who looked at me the way he looked at her...
They both looked at me in shock, then back to each other, and Rey disappeared.
There was this odd feeling in me and it hurt very bad. What the hell is it and how do I get rid of it?

"E-Eclypse..." Ren started as he stood to face me. "I can explain."
"No. There's no need." I said raising my hand in resurgence.

"I already know plenty." I hissed.

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