17. Apples

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Alex's POV

I leaned up and looked at Xavier. I wiped the tears from my face and started laughing.

"It's a safe word. Like people use for BSDM." I said

His eyes darkened. "You have a safe word." He said slowly making me feel cold all of the sudden.

"Y-yea It's an running joke between me and my Mom." I said.

His eyes flickered back to normal "Explain." Xavier asked his voice strained.

"Well when the TV show Castle first came out me and Mom loved it. It quickly became our favorite show and in the first episode one of the main characters Rick Castle is a bit of a prick and when Detective Becket arrests him he tells her his safe word is Apples. And the way he said it so seriously, me and Mom busted out laughing. So it became our running joke anytime we were just done with something and was irritated one of us will just say APPLES really loudly. It's our way of saying we're done with whatever we are dealing with at that time." I said laughing remembering all the times people looked at us weird for randomly shouting apples. 

"Xavier why did you eyes change just now?" I asked

"Because as wolves we are very territorial creatures. When you said BDSM safe word, part of me got...excited.. the other part got jealous." He said not meeting my eyes.

"Oh." Then I thought about it for a minute. "I know your over 200 years old and I know your probably not a 200 year old virgin, but I've never..I mean I don't count what happened to me. So technically I've never...this is just all new to me. These feeling I have for you. Just be patient with me, please." I said looking up at him.

"No I'm far from a virgin and for that I'm sorry. I should have waited for you.--" I Interrupted him by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Your insane if you think you should have waited. It was 200 years dude I think even a saint would give in at some point." I said smiling at him

He moved my hand and continued, "As I was saying I'm no virgin, but I can promise you this. There will be no one but you. The moment I saw you that was it. When wolves mate we mate for life. No cheating. Besides if a wolf even tried their mate would feel it." he said playing with my hair.

"You don't have like a 100 year old hag of an ex-girlfriend that's going to try to kill me do you?" I asked more so I would be prepared if I had to meet any of his ex's; at least that's what I was telling myself.

"I didn't date anyone and I never sleep with any she-wolves, only humans. They tried, but I knew it would only cause problems for the packs under my rule. So your really my first girlfriend." He said grinning and I had to admit it made me feel a 1,000 times better because at least I wouldn't have to see any of them that he's done it with.

"Have you ever thought about how backwards your age is?" I asked cocking my head to the side as an epiphany hit me.

"What do you mean?" He said with a confused expression on his face. 

"Well normally for a regular dog they say for the 1st human year the dog ages like 15 years then 24 the second year and so on. But your backwards. Yours is like 205 human years for 25 wolf years. Its freaky." I said touching his face like I could some how see all the years on his face. I couldn't though just smooth skin.

He laughed out loud and kissed my fingers. 

"So what else is there to know about your kind?" I asked getting distracted by his lips on my fingers for a moment.

He stroked his chin in thought. "We can mind-link each other, like read each other's minds as long as they are in our pack, but being King has it advantages as I can mind-link any wolf no matter which pack, but we only share what we want to in the link." He said

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