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M-001- Chapter one

You were restless and exhausted, hiding in your mother's wardrobe for what seemed to be forever, you're father had told you to stay put before running off to save your mother who went missing after the fires started in the east of the farmlands.
It all began a few months ago, a group of out worlders came down into your village they had proposed a treaty and looked to trade goods, claiming they were from a neighboring planet with resources much like ours. they seemed friendly enough but in short time they had revealed their true colors. The senator of the village denied their trade appeal and was murdered in return. They were pirates, monsters. Your people were out numbered and quickly went into hiding to protect themselves. You helped your mother pack all the essentials in the house and hide them, Father was going to take us someplace safe, he wanted to wait though, to see if any of his brothers got his signal for they could leave the planet together. That was when they began to flush out the citizens by setting fires to the fields and then the schools. Mother was a teacher of the arts and had led a group to salvage what was left and save any children that may have been trapped there. She had tied up her hair up and flipped up her hood before telling you that she would be back by dusk, and that she loved you so very much.
That was the last time you ever saw her.
Not long after, you father followed her trail in pursuit of her and the search party.
You had his blaster clasped in your hands for days. You were lucky your mother let him teach you how to shoot. One by one they began to leak into the neighborhood, searching for valuables and villagers. you managed to kill three of the smaller ones. you weren't sure how much longer you would survive, waiting there in mother's closet for another raider to gun down or for the fading hope of father to come back with mother and his brothers for we could all flee and search for a new home together.

You had fallen asleep by accident, you woke with a migraine, having no idea how long you've been unconscious. the sound of glass breaking and growls woke you from an uncomfortable sleep. The sounds were not of the villagers but the husk groans of the raiders.
You held you breath, unsure of whether or not if this would be your last day alive.
Your ears rang from listening

"Where's your boss?" came a deep almost robotic voice. It was vastly different from the raiders you've heard of.

"No need to worry about him, Mando, we can kill you ourselves."

"Why don't you go ahead and try." The voice cooed, issuing a challenge. You weren't entirely sure he was talking to the raiders.
you listened intently to the voice, it sounded human. Could it be another villager? How did he plan to take them all out?
Could you save him if you tried?
You were scared, what if he died and you got out to save him only to compromise yourself. You had to at least see what the villager might be up against.

Slowly, you peaked open the closet a sliver to capture your surroundings. Any wider and the old wardrobe would creak, which would compromise your position. From mother's bedroom you could see into the trashed living room. it was a bit hard to see but you craned your neck as much as you could to compensate. There were five raiders, large ones. In between them was a tall red armored man.
Could that be their leader?
Where was the villager?
You had to see more.
You waited until they began to talk again to risk opening the wardrobe door wider, hiding it's worn creak to the best of your ability.

You heard the voice again, even still as your form was exposed you could not see any villagers present
It was the armored man who spoke to the raiders.

"I'll ask you one more time." The voice seemed to hiss, the tall red man had shook his wrist fiercely and in response long daggers slid from his gauntlets.
"Where is Yleigh Bhega."
This was a horrible idea, you wanted to slide back into the wardrobe but you couldn't take your eyes off the scene in the other room ahead.

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