Chapter 18- Just Friends

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~Cedric's POV~

I'm not too upset about not going with Cho because even though we mean alot to each other we agreed it's best if we just stay close friends. I don't mind the fact that I am going with Lily. I have known her for quite some time and I think it'll help both of us if we have a good time together. The suit I got is pretty basic and I don't have much of an opinion when it comes to fashion. Anna said she'd help me get ready if I needed it. I'm not too happy that she's going with Draco. I would have never thought that their personalities would go well together. I mean a hufflepuff and a slytherin? I trust her to make the right decision but at the same time I'm her older brother and I don't want her to get hurt. I stayed in bed as long as I could because I know the second I get out there's going to be interviewers from the daily prophet and cameras flashing at my face. I didn't mind the attention on the first day but now I can't get a break from them. 

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