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It was a beautiful view on the top of mountain completely filled with fog. It was like 10,000 feet to reach down. I walked to the edge and looked down the mountain. It was too deep and narrow, I had a small tear running through my eyes and then I jumped down from the mountain but when I reached down, I was in my room.
Hi I am Archi a.k.a achu if your still wondering what was the mountain about, it was a dream. U may think its weird, but not for me. I am a 20-year-old grad student. By the way good morning, today is my first day to grad school. I took a quick shower and nibbled few breads. Then I dressed in a simple formals cause it was freshers day. At 8:12 the bus arrived down the street. I just took the seat in the third row which was first . I noticed a guy with dark brown, long hair wearing a black leather jacket, blue t- shirt and a gray jean. ‘Hi I am Archi Shankar’ I said but all he reaction was a look with no expression. ‘seniors have lot of attitude’ I said to myself, but I think he heard it. The rest of the bus time was a complete silence.
As the bus entered through the gate I saw the campus with two huge main buildings. As we got down the bus, the guy who was sitting next to me walked to me and said ‘Shiv’ with giving a hand. I said nice meeting, but he just left even without a look. It was long walkway from the bus to the registration desk. A gorgeous girl was sitting in the desk, as I reached the desk, ‘hi, I am Nevada. Welcome to VIC How may I help you.’ She asked I just took a breath and gave the application form.
All she did was a small laugh at the way I was looking at her. Then took the form and gave me the ID card and small paper written ‘Don’t even try on her. By Karna’
The letter was by the enemy of my life or in simple words ‘brother’. Yeah, he is Karna Shankar my own elder brother. He was able to pull this prank  because of 2 things.
1.Nevada was his girlfriend
2.He was the student chairman of VIC
As I came out of the desk there was a board which was navigating to the auditorium. As I entered the room, I heard someone calling ‘Achu’. It was Ravi, he was my brother’s best friend and a really good guy. We had some small talks and he introduced me to other seniors.
I had a curiosity to know about the guy Shiv, so I asked Ravi about him, but the answer he gave made me shock and more curious.

Do you wanna know who Shiv is?
Read the next chapter.

me and myselfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora