Grunkle Stan- Journal #1

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I got to 2K reads today! YAAAAY! Sorry that it's a Monday update, I didn't have a lot of time and soooooo I decided there's going to be a short update EVERY DAY from now until Sunday, then I'll go back to 1 long update each week.

Sound good? Yeah it does!

Plus some of you thought the last Chapter was 'Mabill' which it Definitely wasn't. I do kinda-soda ship it but it's not in this book...So yeah, Just wanted to clarify that.

-----------Dippers POV-----------

As soon as Bill disappeared I galloped (Should I use the deer walking things? Does it sound weird? Yeah...) all the way to the shack. I ran up the ramp that we just installed to the roof and yelled at him.


"What? Journal? What are you talking about dipper?" He asks.

"Ohh come on Stan! You know what it is and where it is!" I yelled.

"Look kid. Those weird books are filling your head with nonsense! I think it's time we-"

"He has Mabel."

"What?" Good I caught his attention.

"Bill, I'm pretty sure you know him. Bill cipher?"

"Yeah... So what does this have to do with Mabel?"

"He took her. To get the journals."

"Why that little-"

"Ha! I knew you knew!"

"Yes okay I know him. Come on, this is bad." He told me about a secret room behind the vending machine, and he was to big to fit so I had to do it on my own.

I walked into the living room and typed in the code. The vending machine opened to reveal metal stairs winding down several feet, I went down the stairs and into a hallway with a bunch of pipes and dials.

'What on earth?' I think. I walk to an elevator and type in the code that Stan gave me and walk into the elevator, it takes me a bit but i find the journal and take it upstairs.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS?! EXPLAIN!" I yelled at Stan.

Okay there will be another short update at 6 tomorrow! And everyday until Sunday.

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