bumper cars // phillip altman

Start from the beginning

"You might wanna watch out before you get hurt, kid." What did this smug son of a bitch just say to you? Laughing in disbelief, you eyed him quickly, smiling at how this man's limbs barely even fit into his tiny blue car.

"I don't think I'm the one who needs to watch out, stretch," You retort, making eye contact with him once again. He hummed a little, keeping eye contact.

"Touche, Pussycat."

With a little wink, you sped off, bumping strangers out of your way. Finally catching up with your initial target, you rammed into your friend, smiling brightly. It felt like an eternity of crashing and getting crashed into until you heard a familiar laugh. You saw him again, completely running into the woman and child you saw him with earlier.

"Phillip, you're such an asshole!" the woman exclaimed. Phillip. That was your handsome stranger's name.

Phillip's gaze met yours, that mischievous twinkle in his eye. His eyes widened as he pointed right at you, mouthing 'You're next'.

Suddenly, Phillip was getting closer and closer. You were quick to swerve in the opposite direction, laughing while trying to throw Phillip off his rhythm.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, still hot on your tail. "Get over here! I'm not done with you!"

"You better catch me then, dickwad!" You yelled back.

Hearing his frustrated mumbling made you giggle as you sped far away from him, just trying to create some distance. When you felt far enough away, you finally turned around to face him, zooming towards him and bumping him head on. The impact of the crash jolted you both forwards, the breath getting knocked out of you. You were about to reverse and crash into him again when you realized your time was up.

You caught your breath as Phillip stared at you blankly. It made you really anxious, wondering if you had accidentally hurt him, until he started absolutely losing his shit. His delightful laugh sparked this butterfly feeling deep in your stomach. Even though you had no idea what he was laughing about, you laughed too. Only when it was okay to get out of the cars did he calm down.

"I just realized," he said, trying to stifle his laughter. "I don't even know your name, but, somehow, I already know we're gonna have a long night together."

How nonchalantly and confidently he said that made you melt on the spot. But you couldn't let him know that.

"Oh, yeah?" You asked as Phillip helped you out of your tiny bumper car. His hand completely dwarfed yours. In fact, his whole fucking body did. The man stared down at you, reluctant to drop your hand. Walking with him to exit, you continued. "What makes you so sure?"

"I knew when I spotted you undressing me with your eyes a while ago," he responded tauntingly. Fuck, he saw that? You kept your eyes on the ground, cheeks heating up for what felt like the millionth time that day. He stared at you for a second, amused. "I'm not judging! I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off of me either."

Cocky little shit. You forced out a laugh, looking up at him. Phillip looked back at you, getting so close you could feel the warmth radiating off his body. "You really are special, aren't you?"

"You don't even know the half of it, baby." The way his voice dropped made your breath catch in the back of your throat. You could feel his hand, slowly sneaking its way to hold your hip. You didn't know what to say, frozen like a deer in headlights.

The sound of someone calling your name snapped you out of your dazed state. You took a step back from Phillip, looking to your friend who was headed in your direction. Then you heard her yell in disbelief. "Is that Phillip fucking Altman??"

Altman... The name was so familiar. Phillip cleared his throat before stepping away from you and looking at your friend.

"Well, shit! Long time no see, Chelsea!" He greeted her excitedly, going in for a hug that lasted a millisecond too long. Your brain started to connect the dots.

Holy fuck. He was that Phillip.

Here's the deal... As soon as you had met your friends in this new little town of yours, they'd immediately filled you in on all the town gossip from the past... forever. Why? You had no idea. It didn't seem important, but when has gossip ever been important?

Well, it goes without saying that you knew all about Phillip and the impulsive, charming little player that he was. You knew about how he slept around and left a trail of broken hearts behind him. You knew how childish he could be, how unreliable.

You also knew that, even with all this in mind, looking at him right now had your heart beating out of your goddamn chest.

Chelsea had completely stood between the two of you, practically clinging to Phillip. You were about to back away, let them continue their conversation privately, when you saw that his eyes weren't on her. They were on you. He wasn't going to let you slip away, and his gaze kept you frozen in place.

After a grueling few minutes of Chelsea going on and on while Phillip kept his stare on you, she took the hint and wished him a farewell. She turned her attention to you, letting you know where everyone would be so you could meet up with them later, and walked off. With your friends gone and Phillip telling his sister he'd see them later, it was just you and him standing silently. The tension in the air between the two of you was almost palpable. You tried to think of something to say, but it was like your brain was short-circuiting, unable to come up with a single thing. Phillip said the first words.

"I bumped you pretty hard back there," he remarked, stepping towards you once more. You scoffed.

"Don't lie, Pretty Boy. I think I actually bumped you pretty hard." You smiled up at him. He pouted at you, fluttering his lashes.

"Aww, you think I'm pretty?" He bent down to your eye level, mocking you with those puppy dog eyes. You let out a little laugh. Suddenly, the air shifted as his stare started to get more intense.

"You know... I could bump you in more ways than one," he said with a wink, his voice for only you to hear. You stared back at him, a wave of confidence going through you.

"I'd like to see you try, Altman."

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