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A/n: Ok so I,,,, love,,,, L in girls clothes sm. He's my emo femboy and I love him. So,,, L cross dressing chapter.

Prompt: you work under L as a spy. He sends you on a mission to a fancy hotel to retrieve stolen items. But this case is tricky so he has to come along too...

Putting on the last of your lipstick, you did one last double take before getting out of the car and heading for the entrance of the hotel. A company with mafia ties rented it out for a end of year company party. Thousands of people from the company were there as well as the people who were tied to the mafia. They'd stolen priceless artwork form a museum and planned to hand it over to another criminal gang during the party.

It was your job to sneak in, get the art back and get out. You'd hand it to the FBI, who along with L would arrest the gangs.

So under the alias L gave you, Odette. You were to pose as a worker at the company to get into the hotel. You entered through the front revolving doors,  the building looked expensive and luxurious. People in fancy suits and dressed stood around the lobby with cocktails. A large set of doors open to a dining room that was bustling with people. Good thing you dressed to fit in with your fanciest dress.

Going up to the receptionist, you handed over your fake ID, which you had a room booked under that name. She gave you the keycard and you went up to the room. On the bed you found a folded note, just as L said.

The art is in the leaders room, the trade is planned to happen at 11pm. The art is big, it'll take two people. I'll meet you at the door at exactly 10pm.
Burn this after reading.

You were about to take out a lighter to burn it in the sink when that last part clicked. 'I'll meet you'.

L was here? At this party? You'd... get to see L? You'd been working under him for years but you never thought this would happen. Of course, you'd keep everything a secret, you were one of his best agents after all. The next part of your mission was to locate an exit to get the art out without being spotted. Meaning you'd need to disable the security cameras without any employees noticing. You burned the note in the sink, leaving the room and going to scope out the hotel.

You headed down to the dining hall, where most of the company was. People talked and ate expensive food scattered around the room at all the tables. You spotted the thieves all together at a table in the corner. In the opposite corner was the gang they'd be handing the art over too.

In the far corner was a fire exit. That could be the goal. If you could clear the hotel, you could take the art out that way. You'd just need to lock that door so everyone went out the front. You could pull the fire alarm to get everyone out and you'd have about 20 minutes to get that art out and into the getaway car.

You had a plan now, you made your way over to the fore exit, grabbing champagne on the way to blend in. You had a garter belt of small supplies for these missions. On that was a padlock and key. If you swapped the locks, then the hotel staff wouldn't be able to unlock those doors.

So that's what you did, when the coast was clear, you stood in front of the lock, back facing it. Picking and replacing it with your arms behind your back as to not seem suspicious. Once secure, you left the dining hall to find a security desk to disarm the security system.

You roamed the halls, every so often you stopped to talk to someone to blend in. But something wasn't right...

When you found the security office, it was already open and everything had already been disarmed. As you poked your head the room to inspect the place you heard high heels behind you, and suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz