Assault on Ord Mantell - Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Then go get to your men captain, I need to go back to getting in contact with Oak" Jorgan said

Galek turns around and walks out of the command center, he sees Zannah walking over with a trooper that Galek didn't recognize.

"Captain Galek, this is CT-2944 or Hyena." Zannah said introducing Hyena, "He fought alongside myself and Lieutenant Muzza in the Siege of Ossus"

"Nice to meet you Hyena, I believe I read your recruit records, top of your team with extensive marksmanship training with Captain Volt on Kamino," Galek says

"Yes sir, Lieutenant Muzza said to be apart of the best I must be the best," Hyena responded

The three began moving towards the hangar of the Leviathon and see the Haunter pass by through the hangar shields. The three move to havoc platoon where they are waiting next to the holotable for the briefing.

"Alright, Welcome to Ord Mantell! With Anti-Air taking out Goblin squad, vehicle inserts by Guardian will have to wait. The first wave of LAATs will land us fast and depart to the leviathon. No 360 degrees when coming out of the LAAT, this means heavies in the front giving suppressing fire, basic rifleman/support grenadiers behind the heavies. According to Intel, there are bunkers on land here and no doubt have turrets in them" Galek says and then continues, "After we get through the bunkers we will push towards the center and take out the Anti-Air, after the anti-air, we will move into the factories. No matter the casualties we must take these factories or the Seps will have a severe advantage over us knowing our vehicle schematics."

The troopers looked at Galek knowing that this could be a one way trip for them. The troops moved out to their LAATs. Galek looked to his left and saw Hyena speaking to Kanzin. Galek walked over to them both and ordered them to their LAATs and then walked to his LAAT where Darth Zannah was waiting for him. Zannah put the tablet down and looked at Galek.

"Zannah, this assault needs to be clean. I think we should put our feelings aside for the case of this assault and our men." Galek said with a very serious voice

"I agree Captain, feelings must be put aside if we want this mission to succeed." Zannah responded

Galek grabbed on the strap holding his Z6-M2 on his shoulder, watching Xesh squad walk into the LAAT and grabbing on the straps. Revai looked at Galek and then did a comm check. Wraith put in a fresh cartridge of his DC-15X alongside Ahkar and Thanar. The LAAT takes off towards the surface of the planet with the other LAATs.

"So Galek, whats with the bigger Z6?" Yuun asks

"Its for the occasion Yuun, I don't do small arms like you" Galek responded

"Yeah well these small arms can hit more shots than that thing" Yuun said

"Yuun, he's the only one here that knows how to suppress an enemy and manage to kill em with small Z6 bursts so shut it," Wraith said to Yuun

Thresher contacts Galek and Zannah through their commlinks

"General, Captain, we are approaching the landing zone. The zone is already hot so be careful out there yeh." Thresher says

"Copy that, Keep in mind thresh head straight back to the leviathon once everyone is out of the LAAT" Galek responds

The LAAT lands on the ground, the doors swiftly open, and Galek with his Z6-M2 rushes out giving suppressing fire while pushing up with Zannah and the others from his LAAT. Galek looks to his left and sees troopers' bodies drop to the ground from being shot by blaster fire and troopers still pushing forward. Galek falls into a crater from a mortar and drops his Z6-M2 in the mud. He gets up pulling his DC-15A off his back and begins shooting towards the bunkers. Yuun, Revai, Zannah, and Wraith get to him in the crater.

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