Ready, Set, Here We Go

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POV CHANGE: Taylor (soon-to-be) Matthews

We started a campfire at around nine and helped Dylan and Chloe roast marshmallows. At around nine thirty Lauren took them inside to but them to bed. I started talking to Anna but then something from behind the pine tree caught my eye, a pair of eyes glowing against the firelight; Vernon's eyes. I signaled with a cough to get Anna's attention so she could confirm my suspicion. We decided to ignore him until he walked away three minutes later.

"Why was he over here?" I started.

"Probably because we use his wood for our fire!" Anna burst out laughing.

"Seriously!" I laughed along with her. 

Five minutes later Lauren came back outside and we filled her in on the details of what Vernon Thompson has been up to on this sun-kissed evening.

POV CHANGE: Delilah Matthews

I overheard Taylor and Anna talking about Vernon Thompson but I was too busy trying to enjoy the few hours I had left until Trudy, Daisy and I were about to do the craziest thing we've ever done. My stomach was twisted to the point where I thought I might throw up.  Charlie was sitting next to me but I ignored his presence, partially because I had a feeling that if I tried to talk to him I'd upchuck all over his fifteenth black Brockport sweatshirt. All I could do was hope that the rest of the family didn't notice the fact that I was about to regurgitate dinner. Eventually I started thinking about other things and was distracted from my previous thoughts that were about to make me pray to the porcelain god; then the weirdest thing happened over at the Thompson house. A lot of weird things have happened over there lately but this one had to top them all, I think Vernon Thompson has actually gone insane. He turned up the speaker so loud I bet he woke up the little kids, and the rest of the lake no doubt. Our song was playing: Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi, I'm sure that's why Vernon had the compulsive need to blast it so excruciatingly loud. Anna and Lauren stormed up the steps to check up on their kids; the rest of us collectively walked out to the end of our dock to see the new level of crazy Vernon had reached. The whole Thompson family was out on their dock dancing under the boat house lights that were piercing the air. Us Matthews' just stood there for a few minutes watching the madness occurring so close to home. 

"What's going on?" Lauren asked as she walked up next to me with Chloe on her hip and Anna, Sophie and Dylan not too far behind.

"The Thompson's are," I paused for a moment making sure that what was occurring in front of me was actually happening, "They're having a dance party, to our song."

"Are they trying to make us mad or something?" Kennedy laughed.

"As a matter of fact, I think they are!" I giggled along with him.

"Well, as long as they're playing our song we might as well dance, it'd be rude not to!" Charlie chipped in with a deceitful look illustrated by his arched eyebrows and sinful smirk.

The whole family began dancing along to the music blasting out of the Thompson's speakers, even the little kids. 

POV CHANGE: Charlie Matthews

We danced for what felt like hours but when I looked at my watch it was only eleven thirty. Suddenly I heard the sound of police sirens going off, they quickly got louder until i realized they were coming to bust Vernon's attempt and infuriating us. A smile broke out on my face once I saw Vernon's face drop just  after the deputy walked around the pine tree and ripped the cord out from the wall so the music immediately shut down and we were surrounded by complete silence. The officer started talking to him probably about the fact that the whole lake could hear his music. After about five minutes of them talking we grew tired of watching the officer scold Vernon and decided to head up to bed, well that and it started raining. I went upstairs brushed my teeth and just as I was about to wriggle under the sheets and head to dreamland I go the finger. The finger I'm sure you all know by now, yes the pointer finger, Delilah's pointer finger, the one that tells me that my bed was in fact the couch again tonight. I sighed, kissed her on the forehead and headed out to the doghouse once again. I didn't even bother to grab my phone charger, I was too upset, plus I forgot it. Sometimes I don't understand how Delilah can throw me out onto the couch, this time I did. She has a right to be angry I basically ruined our whole vacation, my favorite holiday, our friendship with the Thompson's. I decided to not pay too much attention to my thoughts and tried to go to sleep.

POV CHANGE: Delilah Matthews

I felt so bad kicking Charlie out of our room again tonight but this time it was essential for the plan to work. The clock seemed like it was ticking right inside my head, I waited about fifteen minutes before I changed my clothes and sent Trudy a text letting her know I was ready to start whenever she was. Moments later I got a text back :

Meet us in the garage and we'll go from ther. 

Trudy forgot an 'e' but thats about it, I was actually surprised that her text didn't have any more errors. I crept over to the back door and took a deep breath, right as I opened the white door I exhaled hopefully letting the sound of my breath cover the squeak of the door; I doubt it. I walked out to the garage and saw Trudy and Daisy in the shadows. Ready, set, here we go; Vernon and Charlie get ready cause your lives are about to get a whole lot crazier. 

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