Chapter 1: Lucy AnnaBell Crumb

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Everyone knows that Kevin Wendell Crumb had been abused by his mother and what it had entailed but nobody knew that he had a sister too. Kevin had lost his memories of her himself after what happened to her so long ago..This starts him off at the age of 10 and his sister 3, his sister was not of the same father, Kevin's mother went off and slept with some man she had a short fling with and the result of it was a baby girl named Lucy.

Dennis was lying on the floor of his room, bleeding again after his mothers vicious attacks. "You're useless Kevin Crumb, why can't you be more like your sister you spiteful little boy" she yelled before walking away throwing the hanger at him violently and going back to bed.

Lucy comes in from her room with her little doll that was a bit worn, rubbing her eye "Hi Kevy" she had just woken up from her nap.

"Hey Lucy" he whispered softly not wanting to wake mother up.

"You okay?" she asks softly, getting down on the floor with him and touching close to one of his wounds gently.

He flinched at her touch "Yeah...I'll be okay" he lied to her.

"Can I help you get mommy's breakfast?"

"No, no it's okay....I only want her shouting at me you are too young for that" he told her protectively.

"But, but I like helping you"

He smiled at her innocence, she had never been hurt by mother something he often envied. "Maybe when she's in less of a bad mood" he told her softly.

"Okay" she kisses his cheek "I go outside now" she takes off out the screen door in the kitchen into the backyard.

He watched her as he made their mothers breakfast carefully trying to make sure nothing was wrong or out of place and headed upstairs with her food. "That better be cooked to perfection boy, if it isn't you will be paying the price for it" she threatened. He breathed in softly as he set it up under her watchful eyes. After he was done he started walking towards the door. "Kevin Wendell Crumb, why is my toast burnt?" She asked him sternly. "I, I thought I cooked it right" he whispered fearfully before yelping as the plate was thrown at him and hit his head.

"If it was right it wouldn't be burnt, you useless boy, what did I tell you would happen if it was wrong?" She shouted. "I'm sorry momma...I'll make some more, I'll make it right please momma" he begged her backing into the corner, His mother grabbed his shirt tearing it off and hit him with a belt over and over making him cry in pain and fear.

Lucy comes back in the room and see's what is going on "Stop it! Stop!" she cries, holding her hands over her ears.

Their mother turned to her dropping the belt and ran over and picked her up "Ohh, my poor baby girl it's okay, your brother just needs to be punished that's all" she comforted her holding her tightly as her son collapsed on the floor in a defeated heap. "You can get out of my sight boy, before you cause any more damage" she hissed at him. Kevin picked himself up and staggered into his room with a cry, he just couldn't understand why he was treated so much differently than Lucy and that's what hurt the most.

Lucy looked up at her mother "Please don't hurt him mommy" she cries.

"Oh my sweet child, you wouldn't understand, he's a bad boy and he needs to be punished" she told her.

"But, but he isn't bad, he's good"

"Do not defend him sweetheart, you don't know him well enough to understand"

"Yes I do, he's my big brother..I love him" Lucy gets down from her mothers arms and gives her a bad face.

"Oh, I see what's happening he's corrupting you isn't he?" she hissed her hands clenched.

"Nah uh.. you big meanie bully!" Lucy shouts.

"Careful Lucy you carry on like this I may have to punish him for your change in behavior" she threatened.

She sticks her tongue out at her and runs into the other room, crying.

Their mother gets up and makes her way to Kevin's room "Kevin!" she shouts making him gasp in fear "What have you been saying to poor Lucy?" she asked. "Nothing...I swear" he cried kneeling on the floor trembling, she slapped him hard, making him fall to the floor "Tell me the truth you useless boy" she yelled.

"I didn't do anything" he cried getting back up before he felt a sharp pain on his back, his mother had a knife and had it pressed into his back "I swear boy if you ever talk to her again I will kill you" she warned him pressing it hard enough to draw blood making him scream loudly.

As time went on something snapped in their mother and she began to do strange things to Lucy as well but Lucy didn't say anything to Kevin about it because she wanted to protect him, as little as she was she was smart. Lucy comes in his room one night and gets in the bed with him, shaking his shoulder "Kevy?"

" shouldn't be here" he said sounding so broken and defeated.

"My neck hurts"

"Why, what happened?" he asked her.

She lifts her hair and shows him the back of her neck, there's a strange deep red mark on it and then one to the right of it that's a bit smaller.

"Lucy, what is that?" he asked.

"Mommy sucked on my neck really hard" she pouts and looks down.

"She what?...she shouldn't be doing that" he told her protectively.

"It hurt and.. " Lucy lifts her night shirt partly showing him her tummy where there's marks also.

He saw them and then breathed out deeply "I'm gonna sort this out you stay here Lucy, don't come out no matter what okay" he told her.

"No.. please don't leave me" she begs him.

"I'll only be a minute, I promise...I need to sort this out quickly" he told her hugging her tightly.

"I love you" she says softly, hugging him back.

"I love you too" he whispered looking at her protectively before walking away to talk to their mother.

Lucy waits for him, holding his pillow close to her.

She heard shouting before everything quietened down, another half an hour went by before he came back looking exhausted.

Lucy sits up with a worried look on her face "Are you okay, what happened?"

"I sorted it out...she won't touch you anymore" he said quietly looking down.

"What happened?"

"I told her not to touch you" he sighed.

"Don't lie"

"I'm not lying" he told her getting agitated.

"Please.. just tell me"

"I told her to touch me instead, since I'm the monster" he murmured.

"But your not the monster!" she cries and runs up to him hugging him.

"To her I always will be" he whispered.

"She's the monster, not you"

"Shh...not too loud she'll hear you" he told her.

"I love you" she cries.

"I love you too Lucy" he whispered holding her close.

She falls asleep in his arms.

He holds her tightly humming to her softly to soothe her. "She can't know what we've done to protect her" a voice told him "Don't worry she won't" he sighed as he watched over her throughout the night.

To be continued...

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