The Breaking - (S3:E16) SEASON FINALE PART 4

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Adara's heart pounded. The creature standing before her frightened her more than any she had ever encountered. Its broad shoulders, made entirely of muscle, stretched wider than Goron. It stood several feet taller than she, each brawny arm and leg bigger than her entire torso. The ebony sword it clenched made the Four Sword in her hand look like a child's toy.

"Master!" Endrick crooned as he rushed to the Demon King.

Demise cast to his left to the man. Endrick's knees bent as if he intended to kneel. Demise reached out and snatched Endrick by the throat, his movement like a viper. Endrick coughed and grunted, air grinding through what little opening remained in his neck. Demise lifted him from the ground with no visible effort and narrowed his eyes at the king. For a moment they stared silently at each other, Demise curling his lip and Endrick clinging to his powerful forearm and fighting for breath.

Demise snorted in disgust and twitched his wrist. A crack sounded and Endrick's body fell limp. Demise tossed him aside and turned to consider the two Adaras on his right. He took a deep breath, his chest and shoulders expanding, the air warping again as he did.

Fixing his eyes upon the ground, he spoke. "For countless millennia I have waited, caged by the goddess. Even at her strongest, she could not contain me completely. I have shaped this world from behind my bars, guiding its tyrants. I gave life to that which is detestable and despised. These ages past, the goddess's chosen ones fought the essence and memory of me as I colored the world in blood with the merest brush of my finger. Now I am returned. The goddess's trap has failed. And what greets me but a nursling...a mite upon my skin." He gazed up, his brows still low, and glared from one Adara to the other. His lip curled. "You carry against me a weapon inferior to the one that entrapped me? Did you find this among your playthings? Were you given it by your nursemaid?" He inhaled. Realty warped around him. The ground trembled. Snow fell from the mountain. "Once, I met the goddess's chosen hero on the field of battle. We fought for the life of the goddess herself and I was bested. But where is your goddess now? Where is your chosen hero? How diluted has the blood of the goddess and her hero become that this is all that welcomes my resurrection?" He tilted his head to the sky. "Were you not prepared? Have you surrendered this world to me so easily?"

"No," said the purpled-eyed Adara standing to her left. "We are not here to entrap you. We are here to defeat you."

Demise fixed her with his eyes. He smiled and laughter rocked his body. It grew, building into a sound wave that pressed against their ears. Thunder rolled. The sky billowed with black clouds spewing from a point high above Demise and plunging the mountain in shadow. The mountain shook, this time from deep below. Steam and smoke gushed from the volcanic crack.

Demise spread his arms wide, revealing the true measure of his reach and length of his sword. "Come!" he bellowed. "Test your mettle, little one. If you amuse me, I will bless you with a quick death. I admire your valor. For that, I shall give you a moment to appreciate the beauty of where you stand, for it shall be your eternal resting place. Take comfort in this as you meet your doom, knowing that having destroyed you this world will become my footstool and those you love will become my subjects."

With a shared thought, Adara eased to the right, still brandishing both swords, as the purple-eyed incarnation eased left, holding only the Four Sword, having lost her other while fighting Endrick.

Demise eyed them both, rotating to keep them within his sight. As he tilted his head more toward the purple-eyed Adara to his right, the green-eyed Adara struck. The Pegasus Boots carried her across the space in an eye blink.

Without glancing at her, Demise blocked her blades with one stroke. His movement came as a blur, almost as if he didn't move at all and his sword simply appeared where it needed to be.

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