Bring Back Love

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Finally they were finished with their shopping. Not too much, but it takes a long time. The sun is increasingly slipping towards the west and people have started tidying up their own wares. In all honesty, Hijikata quite tired but whenever he looked at Shun brimming with excitement, his fatigue just went away like that. It's also a good way to exercise, he thought.

" Well, you got everything you need? "

" Yes, it should be even enough for the next 2 months. Thank you so much, Hijikata-san, you really helped me a lot. "
Thanked Shun with smile as bright as the sun.

" Don't worry about it, I also feel somewhat nostalgic to see those shops which sells medicines. "

" Oh yes, you must felt quite so. You even helped me with choosing the fresh ingredients before. Your skill is still sharp, I see. "
Teased Shun. But soon she will regret of teasing the already stirred up man such as Hijikata.

" Now that I remember it, our first meeting was in a medicine store as well, our Ishida store. You were... still really small back then, about this... small. "
Now it's Hijikata's turn to tease his little Shun as his eyes trying to measure the height of a child up to his thigh only.

Of course the girl now has become a tall and strong woman, as tall as Hijikata himself even.

" I-I don't think I was that small! I was taller than Souji you know! "
It's rare for her to drop the formality, but today she has been relaxing herself more with Hijikata. To the point to even clutching his sleeve in annoyance for his teasing.

She looks flustered with all the blushes, but she seems to hasn't fully realised yet the embarrassing thing she's doing right now towards Hijikata. Well, in the end, Hijikata enjoyed it more than he expected that he just let her do as she pleased.

" Hahaha! Are you worrying about that right now? Hahaha, oh Shun... "

Even Shun herself is surprised by his reaction. She's so dumbfounded that she stops her walk. In the midst of his laughter and this slowly sinking sun, she wished she could stop the time and just let this moment to be carved as a sculpture, to be painted as a masterpiece, to be written as a poem, and to be told as a love song...

The man who's heart is currently on cloud nine now looking back at the woman who's still stunned, with smile still plastered ever so charmingly, he reach out to her. Gently, the touch of his rough skin felt upon her cheek, strands of hair that will slowly turn to red as the sky get darker, he caresses them so dearly.

" No matter what your height is, no matter how you look, or... no matter what you are... Shun... I... I'm... truly glad that you're with me... "

He's all smile yet Shun feels like her heart just shattered into million pieces as flowers replaced the bloods that coming out of it.

" You dressed up as a man everyday only so you can avoid making rumours to the outsider, I know you can fight, but you know as well that we don't accept woman... so you become the skilled doctor you are right now. "

"... I... That's... fine with me... as long as I can stay with you, then... "

"... That's no good, Shun... "

" W-why? I can--"

" I know you always can do something with the best of your ability. But I... I also wish to do something for you... not as a repayment, I guess... it's just my ego taking over me. "

The lovely gesture then comes to an end as he pulled back his palm away from her cheeks. The place where he touched become warmth and theres a lingering feeling still on his fingertips. Just when Shun already misses his touch, Hijikata picks something out of his sleeve. When he let it out, it gives a silver light when in touch of sunlight, even under the dimmest light.

It's a hairpin made from silver with a circular end and intricate motifs carved on it. Upon closer look, the end is not exactly circular but more like a flower of 4 petals.

" ....... This is... "

" Do you remember what I told you before I left for the Imperial Palace (Kinmon no Hen incident)? I told you I'll bring you something as a gift. Well, I don't really know what's the latest trend for women, but... I asked some hairpin artisan to made it for you, so... umm... I hope this one will do for now. "
Unexpected from the usual stoic man like Hijikata, he can be quite flustered when it comes to this thing.

Hijikata deliberately avoiding eye contact with Shun since he doesn't really know what or how to act to hide his embarrassment.

" L-let me put it on for you. "

He put the silver hairpin on her hair. When the sunlight touches the hairpin, it will shine brightly on her black hair, but when the night comes... the silver shine will become as lustrous as her red hair. He thought to that length when he asked the artisan to make it as smooth and shiny as possible. Now, under this red sky, her hair is still black, yet the silver on her hair already reflecting the red light.


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" .... How... do I look? "

" Nothing's changed, still beautiful. But the hairpin now become better when you're wearing them . "

"....... Thank you.... thank you.... I'm so glad... thank you, Hijikata-san. "

" You're still beautiful even when you're crying, but I hope you won't have to cry, Shun. "

" Uhh... I.... I'm really glad.... I'm so glad that you're alive.... Thank god.... I get to be here.... with Hijikata-san... "

" Yes... Thank you god... and thank you as well Shun, for being born in this time... and life... and age... "

" Yes... yes... "

That dusk... there are two prayer that resonate throughout the earth and heaven. One, that is their gratefulness for the lifetime they received, and second, for the time they allowed to spent with their loved ones.


OUR MAIN COUPLE, and the happiest thing when I wrote this chapter was my own drawing!!!! Damn, I did him right!!! He's be looking beautiful like ✨✨✨✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'll post the close up picture of Hijikata on my Instagram,@stars_in__ because he's just so damn STUNNING. OMG IM SMPING FOR HIM FROM 2015 I JUST 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 I love him so much that I even fell for his real person.

Anyway yeah, finally we have a chapter where it's focused on the romance of the two main leads. I'll add more romance in the next chapters because this is where it will start to hurt 😞

Thank you for the read, vote, and comments, see you in the next chapter everyone!

First Love at Second Life ( HAKUOKI FANFIC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu