Odd friends.

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Twilight looked into the the dark starless Sky, the crescent moon looking down at him, the only sounds around him besides the cherp of a few brave crickets, where some frogs crocking down by the creek they used to fish for dinner, and the occasional CRACKLE from the small fire they used to keep warm at night.

He wasn't supposed to be awake, none of them where. They had travelled to Wild's Hyrule that day, and Wild had said that this particular area was one hundred percent safe. So they didn't have a watch going on. He would normally be a wolf keeping an eye on the eight other boys, but today was different. Very different.

Wild was acting strange, Stranger than he normally was. Wild was constantly looking around, the trees, the sky, even the flower field they passed by, with this look of absolute want, like he expected to see someone or something to come running at them.

Twilight had asked him what was wrong but Wild just shrugged the worry off by saying 'its absolutely nothing... Just thought I saw something'. And continued on with cooking the fish Time and Wind had managed to catch in the near by pond.

A near by rattle brought Twilight out of his thoughts, he strained his hearing trying to listen closer with out making it look like he was awake. Soon Twilight realized that the noise was coming from inside the camp. He automatically thought someone had gotten up to use the restroom, but a CLANK from a metal buckle told him other wise.

Twilight got up slowly from his laying position to see wild slowly but surely putting on his gear.

"And where are you going" Twilight asked, with out much thought. Wind rolled away from the noise right in to warriors side, but fell asleep once again.

Wild turned around quickly with wide and surprised eyes to look his mentor right in the eyes.

"Twi, what are you doing awake? It's half past midnight." Wild said with a shacking voice. He looked like a child about to be scolded by a parent.

"Don't beat around the bush cub" Twilight said, with a critical glare. Being careful to keep his voice down to not wake the others.

"Well... Uhm" Wild said, looking around as if the trees would help him out of this situation he found himself in. "well I ...I- I'm going to visit a friend"

Twilight looked at him like he was crazy. "You're 'going to visit a friend' in the middle of the night?" Saying it while making air quotation.  "And what friends would they so happen to be?"

Wild looked like he was about to have a fever, his whole face broke out to a scarlet red all the way to the tips of his ears.

"I..uhmm.... I- I'll go to sleep now." and with that he immediately went to his bed roll and throw his blanket over his head.
Even with all his gear on.

'This kid is going to be the death of me.' Twilight thought, as he got up from where he sat and walked to Wild.

At the sound of footsteps coming towards him, Wild took a chance and peaked through a little hole he made from his blanket.

He immediately saw his mentors boots right in front of him, and felt a hand come and snatch away his blanket.

"Hey... HEY!" Wild squeaked out. Trying his best to grab the small blue blanket back from his mentor but ultimately failed.

Twilight grabbed Wild's arm that was trying to get the blanket back and pulled him up and practically dragged Wild to a more Secluded area.

"Alright, what the hell is wrong with you today." Twilight looked at his protege in the eyes "and don't give me the 'oh it's nothing Twi'."

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