Chapter 8 - Count backwards from ten

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When Sara, Oliver and the kids got back to the house, Sara went into the kitchen to whip up some dinner for the eight of them.

Oliver made himself useful and grabbed a pot of water and put it on the stove.

Ricky immediately went into Alex's and Allison's room to find his favorite of their toys. "Ricky, please put everything back, if you pull it out." Allison said, walking by her room. "I GOT IT!" He said, looking for the space ship.

Sara saw Kara still on her phone. "Kara, why don't you help me with this." "But Uncle Oliver is already helping you." "He's working on something different. Come on." Kara sighed and put her phone in her pocket, and walked over. "What are you making?" "What a good question Kara, we are going to make meatballs." Kara smiled.

"Wash your hands, then stick your hands in this." Sara said, smiling. Then Kara stuck her hands in the bowl of raw meat. "Ew, it's squishy!" She smiled, enjoying herself. Sara was glad she finally got her off of her phone. "Ok, now, you are going to roll them into balls, and put them on a baking sheet, because they are going in the oven for a little while, then in the pan to finish them off.." Kara nodded, content.

"I have arrived!" Richard said, as he walked in the apartment

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I have arrived!" Richard said, as he walked in the apartment. "Oh, hi dad, we are making spaghetti and meatballs." Sara said, watching Kara. "Yummy! Can't wait." He sat down on the recliner. Alex sat next to him. "Grandpa? Can you tell me the fishing story again?" "Yes, of course!"

Sara smiled and turned to Oliver, and they shared a look.

Sara noticed how happy Kara was helping. "Kara? Do you like making food?" Kara thought about it. Then nodded. "Well, then why don't you help your mom in the kitchen. Or like take a night, and make dinner for the family?" Kara stopped, her eyes widened, and she just stared at the wall.

Kara felt the heat rise in her face, tears started to form on her eyes. Sara saw that there was something wrong.

"Oliver, finish dinner we'll be back." Sara directed Kara into the bedroom.

"What happened dear?" Sara asked her, truly concerned. Kara didn't change her expression. She kept heavy breathing. "Kara?" Kara finally looked up at her. "'s hard to breathe." Sara finally understood what was happening.

"Hey, look at me." Sara said, calmly. "I'm going to breathe with you. And we are going to count back from 10." Kara nodded. And counted with her.

Kara sat on the bed. Sara sat next to her. "Kara, was that your first panic attack?" She shook her head. "Does your mom know you have them?" "No. Dad doesn't either. I didn't want to worry them, they have plenty on their plate."

"But Kara, you are their daughter! They will always put you first before work." Kara started crying again. "But they won't! They don't pay attention to meanymore, they just expect me to be fine, all the time, they don't even ask!"

Sara hugged her, as she thought of a response.

"Kara, because you are the oldest they expect you to tell them, when you are not doing good. Yes, I agree, they should ask, and not just assume. But you need to reach out also." Kara nodded.

"Aunt Sara, I would love to make dinner every Wednesday night." Sara smiled. "Yeah! Awesome!" Sara kissed her forehead. "I'm going to check on your uncle, make sure he is not burning anything, you can come out when you are ready."

When Kara was left alone in the room, she broke down again. "I'm so sorry mom, I'll do better next time." Kara took a picture out of her pocket. "I promise."

"Oliver dear, did you strain the water from the pasta?" "Of course babe." "Ok, just checking, you forgot last time." She giggled. He smiled. "I'm never going to live that down, I'm I?" She laughed. "Probably not."

"Kids! Dinner!"

Violet (2020)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ