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You startled awake. You could barely see anything in your room and it was silent, but you could've sworn that you heard a shout. It could've been from the dream that you were having or it could've been the kind of dream where you were falling and jolt back into consciousness. Rubbing your eyes, you stared at the alarm clock beside your bed.

4:23 am

You still had about 3 hours before you had to get up so you deflated back into the pillows. Before getting the chance to drift off again, you heard another shout through the wall behind your bed. The one you shared with... that one guy. You weren't sure what his name was, but he seemed nice enough. He always waved to you in the hallway with a large smile, and when you moved in her made you a cake as a welcome present. He was never loud enough to the point that you could hear him through the wall, much less at four in the morning. 

Deciding to check on him in the morning and make sure he was okay, you draped an arm over your eyes. Just as you started to drift off again, you heard another shout followed by another. You sat up fast, heart beating out of your chest. You ripped the blankets off of you and stumbled out of your room, out of your apartment and to the front door of his apartment.

You knocked lightly, but there was no answer. Again, but still it was silent in the hallway. You hesitated to open the door without his permission or knowledge. What if someone saw you and called the cops? What if he called the cops, thinking you were burgling him? Although another part of you reasoned that 'what if he was hurt and you did nothing to help him?'

You turned the knob and was surprised to find it open, not a good sign... or maybe he was just forgetful. Sighing, you opened the door slowly, sticking your head in, "Hello?" No one was in the kitchen or living room that you could see from the entrance. You rubbed your eyes, you couldn't help but feel like you were intruding on his privacy.

"It's me your neighbor," You voiced. You were met with silence. You closed the door behind you and wandered into the apartment. You looked around the corner that lead down a dark corridor, at the end you heard whimpering. You assumed that was where he was since he lived alone and your apartment complex didn't allow you to have pets.

You came to a dark bedroom, but the window that showed the city outside illuminated the bed. In the bed you found you neighbor hugging on of the many pillows on the bed like his life depended on it, but he was clearly still sleeping. He was covered in a sheen of sweat and was whimpering. Although he was clearly in distress, you took this time to admire the male that lived next to you. He was undeniably handsome, at least his side profile was. Even in distress, you just wanted to stare at the male.

He wasn't covered by any blankets and was shivering slightly, even though he was sweating and his chest was rising and falling quickly. His white t-shirt was damp in certain places but the shirt was pulled up a bit exposing a bit of his toned torso and his black sweatpants hung low on his hips, making you glimpse a decent amount of his underwear. It was a red color. 


You were startled out of your reverie by a scream, but it wasn't the same kind that woke you up before. The male was now sitting up by his elbows looking at you with shock and it was only then that you realized what kind of position you were in. You had leaned over his figure to get a better glimpse of his physique, but to him, you surely seemed like a creepy figure that was watching him sleep in the dark.

Backing up quickly, you flushed and tried to explain yourself, "I'm, I'm so sorry. I heard you screaming from my apartment and I thought that you might be hurt, so I came to check on you!"

He was sitting up fully now with a hand placed against his heart. 

"No it's fine, I was just having a nightmare," he murmured still hunched over. 

"Oh, okay. I didn't want you to be alone if you were hurt."

"No, I get it," he said with a strained voice, "Thank you." His voice cracked he rested his head in his hands. 

You rushed forward, "Hey are you okay?"

You grabbed his wrists lightly and pulled his hands away from his face. He hung his face lower so his dark hair would block his face. You reached forward, cupping his face with both hands and raised his head. He had tear track running down his cheeks and you wiped them away as they fell, "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" You whispered lightly. 

He grabbed both of your wrists tightly, but didn't move your hands away from his face. He sobbed and more tears streamed from his eyes. Moving to sit in between his spread legs on the bed, in front of him. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and dug his face into your neck, shaking and crying. You loosely wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped you arms securely around him. You ran your hands through his hair, scratched and rubbed his back, and gave him python-grip hugs until he pulled away. 

He hiccupped and sniffled, and once again you reached out and wiped his tears away, with his hands resting on your hips. He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. You savored the quiet moment in each other's embrace. He leaned his forehead against yours and you both rested there with your eyes closed. His hand rubbed against you cheek, similar to how you had just done to him, wiping away invisible tears. You didn't even know when the tears starting flowing from you, but he was there to make sure none of them got past your nose. 

"Hey," you whispered, "What's your name?"

He chuckled dryly, "Dokyeom."

"Dokyeom, are you okay?"

"A lot better now that I've calmed down," he said pulling away to look you in the eyes. You leaned back as well, but your legs were still practically around his waist. 

"I'd be better if you stayed here tonight," he said smiling slightly.

You fake gasped, "Mr. Dokyeom are you hitting on me?"

"Call me DK, and yes I am," he chuckled at your antics, thinking about how beautiful you looked in the glow that the window was casting into his room.

"Well, DK, I would love to," you removed your legs from around the attractive male in front of you and stood, still not quite believing that happened, "but I have to work tomorrow."

"Another time then?" He followed up quickly as if he might miss his window.

"Oh definitely." You walked to his bedroom door about to leave, but turned over your shoulder. He looked almost desperate for you to stay and you wanted to too, but what you said was true, you did have to work. He was sitting up, staring at your form as you left like a prize he couldn't have, at least not yet. 

"Also, your door was unlocked. You should be careful, anyone could walk in on you sleeping," you winked and then left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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