DevondoesTomahawk- Thank You

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days... been having boy troubles. Ugh! Why do boys have to be so stupid?! Anyway, here you go. I'm giving Graser a rest ;)

Tomahawk's POV

     Loser. Cunt. Nerd. Homo. Rainbow boy. Bitch. These are just a few of the daily insults I receive, mostly from the jocks, but from nearly everyone else as well. The only people who really care and don't bully and harass me are Zach, Jon, and Sean. Everyone else hares me.

     "Hey asshole! I'm talking to you!" I hear an all too familiar voice yell in my ear. Oh shit. I must've zoned out.

     "W-what?" I squeak out.

     "Oh, so you can hear me. I was starting to wonder," Mitchell says rolling his eyes. (Sorry Straub! I still <3 you!!!) I feel myself being shoved against the wall and Mitchell's fist in my gut. I manage to let out a squeak as the wind is knocked out of me.

     "That's for ignoring me, bitch," he yells. "And this-" he pauses and slaps me. Hard. "Is for being such a useless bitch!"

     This continues on for 15-20 more minutes before I story getting dizzy. My vision starts blurring. Just about that time, I vaguely see him and his 'clique' walk away and I am left, bloody on the ground.

     "Uuugghhh," I moan as my head starts pounding.

Devon's POV

     "Uuugghhh," I hear as I walk down the long corridor. Defek? (Sorry, couldn't resist!) I peek my hear around the corner to my left and see a young man, laying on the ground, bloodied and bruised, his head in his hands.

     "Oh my god! Are you alright? Well of course you're not but, I mean, what the hell happened?" I rush over to him but stop in my tracks as he looks up. Wow. I mean, wow. This kid's HAWT.

     "Nothing, it's fine..." I hear him mumble as he looks back down at his hands.

     "What?! What do you mean, NOTHING?! Please just tell me what happened! Who did this to you?" I find myself yelling. Why am I so concerned for this boy? Well yeah he's hurt, but why am I yelling?

     "Why are you even talking to me? Don't you know who I am? Don't you hate me like everyone else?"

     "First off, because you are seriously hurt. Second, no, you never said. And third, hate you? Why would I hate you?"

     "You're new here aren't you?"

     "Yeah. First day." He sighs and goes on to explain who he is, how he's viewed, and that if I didn't want my ass kicked, that I should stay away from him. Poor kid. He needs a friend.

     I step closer to him and reach out my hand.

Tomahawk's POV

     I look up to see a hand in front of my face. Wait, what? I just explained how much of a loser I am and he's... offering me a hand? No one's ever done that... I hesitate, but eventually shakily take his hand and he pulls me up.

     "Th-thank you," I mumble as I look into his eyes, then back down at my feet. "But why are you doing this? Why would you help me?"

     He smiles. "Because you deserve it. You DON'T deserve to be pushed around."

A Few Months Later~

Tomahawk's POV

     The beatings have lessened over the past few months since Devon, that guy who helped me, showed up. He's stood up for me alot. We've begun to grow closer and have become best friends. But there's a bit of a problem... I like him, like like him. In fact, I think I'm falling in love with him. He knows I'm gay, but I don't know about him. He hasn't talked about any relationships or been in any, that I know of, since we met.

     "Hey Julio!" Oh crap, there he comes. What am I going to do? Should I tell him how I feel or just get over it?
     "H-hey bud, w-what's up?" I stutter as I greet my bestie.

     "Oh, same ol same ol. What about you? Have Butchell or any of his asshole friends hurt you again?"

     "No, they haven't today."

     "Oh good! I need to talk to you about something later. When can we meet up?"

     "Um, how about 6 at my place?"

     "Ok sounds good! See ya then!"

Magical Time Skip~

     Knock knock.

     "Come on in! It's unlocked!" I yell. I hear footsteps come toward my room and look up from my position on my bed to see a smiling Devon at my door. He nods and saunters over to my bad and sits down next to me.

     "Hey bro. What did you wanna talk to me about?" (You know what's coming ;) ) He takes my hands in his and turns to face me.

     "Julio. There's something weighing on my mind, or rather, in my heart. Since the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. And since then, we have grown closer. We've developed a relationship, but not the kind I want." Oh my god!
     "You are the light of my life and I can't imagine it without you. I love you Julio." Tears start to fall as I look into his eyes, full of love and truth.

     "I-I love you too Devon." Before he can respond I passionately press my lips to his and cup.his face in my shaking hands. He immediately responds, throwing his arms around my waist and pulling me close. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth and they dance. This goes on for a couple minutes before we reluctantly pull away, gasping for breath. He lays back on the bed and I follow, laying my head on his chest.

     "Thank you."

Ok guys, I hope you liked it. PLEASE leave me suggestions for ships and whatnot and don't forget to vote! Get outta here.... ya biznatchez!

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