First Day

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So this is my first time ever writing something like this so we will see how this goes :) 

Also in this story Lila can be played by whatever actor you want!


Stepping down from the porch I looked at my mom "Why do you still take photos of me"

"Its tradition" she said frowning "we do it every year"

"I know I just thought you would stop after I graduated highschool" I chuckled

Looking back up from her phone she chuckled, "Well last time I checked most sixteen year olds are still in highschool"

I nodded watching her make her way toward the car. You think after you get your first Ph.D you would be less nervous, but even still I could feel the knot in my stomach growing. Taking a deep breath I picked up my bag and made my way into the car.

"Hey" mom said putting a hand on my knee "don't worry, okay!"

Time skip...

I stood outside the door of my lecture hall. Looking to the left of the door I saw a plague that read Psychology and Sociology, taking a quick deep breath I pushed open the door and made my way down to the front row. It was my go to spot, nobody ever talked in the front row because they were afraid of being caught by the professor. Setting my things down I reached down and grabbed 'The Narrative of John Smith' by Aurther Conan Doyle flipping to the page I had previously doggy-eared. But my attention was grabbed by a male voice echoing through the room.

"Hello everyone, Im Dr. Spencer Reid" he said putting his pile of books on his desk. "Now I want to jump right into the course, so let's start out with some basics"

Looking up at him I realized that he was much younger than I expected him to be. His brown curly hair fell around his face framing it. He was wearing a gray suit jacket with a light blue almost white shirt underneath with a tie. He walked over to the whiteboard and started writing- well more like chicken scratch.

"Can anyone tell me what a stressor is" he asked looking around the room before his eyes landed on me. Normally when I get called on it feels like the teacher just wants me to be embarrassed but when he called on me it was different. He took a moment analyzing me before his eyes fell to the book in my lap. I watched him smirk as he called on me. "You, um- front row"

Sighing I answered "A stressor is a chemical or biological agen, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event seen as causing stress to an organism. Psychologically speaking, a stressor can be events or environments that individuals might consider demanding, challenging, and/or threatening individual safety." his eyes widened as I continued " That then can be divided up into two more categories one being absolute stressors which is a stressor that anybody exposed to the situation would deem stressful like a natural disaster. The other type is relative stressors which are stressors that only some exposed to these would deem as stressful like work or a divorce." Realizing I was rambling I quickly stopped and looked back up at Dr. Reid expected him to be mad but the look on his face was quite the opposite.

"Okay-" he hesitated "can you tell me what a stressor is"

I quickly nodded as I rattled off the definition I knew by memory "Yeah uh- triggers are anything that reminds someone of a previous trauma or memory. To be triggered is to have an intense physical or emotional reaction, such as a panic attack, after encountering a trigger. But some physical reactions can be worse, like for example someone getting triggered by something and going on a killing spree."

"Alright" he said chuckling "guess you don't need to read the textbook, um meet me after class" I nodded as he headed back to his desk but just before he sat down he looked back at me and said "I like the book your reading "

Spencers point of view

Looking around the room to see if anybody would answer my question my eyes stumbled upon a young girl in the front row. She was no older than seventeen maybe, I noticed she was nervous she had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot. She looked back at me and I quickly looked down, noticing the book in her lap I smiled.

"You, um- in the front row"


My eyes were as probably as big as saucers by the time she finished. I was baffled, she just recited word for word the definition of a stressor. But as I listened to her recite the definition a sudden feeling came over me. A feeling of comfort, but also a feeling that I needed to protect this girl with my life. Realizing I was staring I quickly asked her another question.

"Okay- uh, can you tell me what a stressor is"

'Of course she can spencer are you dumb'I thought to myself. She quickly started talking and I turned my attention back to her smiling. After telling her to meet me after class I headed back to my desk. But before I sat down I quickly turned around and looked at her

"I like the book your reading" I said smiling sitting down taking out my own copy of 'The Narrative of John Smith'

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