"Hello my beautiful lady." He whispers into my ear. He pulls me and spins me around, the twins are sitting on the ground playing in the dinning room. We have to eat and move around those two rascals, both are already naughty with each other. Man they are gonna cause trouble for us when they are older.

"Look at our babies." He says and kisses my neck. I squeal and try to wriggle free from his grip.

"They aren't babies. They are toddlers now." I correct him and he sighs deeply from behind me. He nibbles my neck and I squirm. "David! No. The food!" He sucks my neck and a moan escapes my mouth, I feel his smirk against my sensitive skin. I lean my head to the side to give him more access and close my eyes to enjoy the feeling. But it never comes.

"Like you said... the food." He unwraps his arms and walks away from me. Leaving me torn. I want him soooo badly but I don't want the food to burn and go to waste. I stare at him as he goes and sits with the twins on the floor, with a grin plastered on his face. I decide to get him back later.

I go back to the food feeling flustered and hot, but I ignore the feeling and carry on cooking.

Once the food is done, I dish up the food. One thing I changed about what we did on the farm. I dish the food, so that us women don't feel like we are below the men and have to serve them like slaves.

"Dinner is ready!" I yell out and set the glasses on the table for some soda. Since the men have discovered soda, it's been all they are fascinated with and want to drink at dinner.

I put some food in for the twins so we can feed them after we've eaten. Footsteps come closer and I see Shane, Jeff and Sue come downstairs with Sue holding a bag. I eye the bag but don't say anything.

We all take our seats after David moves the twins to their play pen in the lounge. The dining table is a big and heavy marble table with a long cream table cloth that can seat 8 people. David sits at the head with me on his right and Jeff on his left. Next to me is Sue and Shane is next to Jeff, across from Sue.

We say a thanks for the food and begin to eat. I smile knowing that this is my time to get David back.

I let my left hand drop to my lap and keep eating with my right, I move my hand under the table and touch David's thigh. He jumps and looks at where my hand is covered by the table cloth then at me, I give him a smirk and let my hand wonder higher up his thigh.

He clears his throat and shakes his leg, but I keep my hand on his leg determined to make him pay for his teasing. "Hey David, you alright man?" Jeff asks while taking a sip of soda.

David blushes and clears his throat once again. "Um yes... uh..." I reach the top of his pants and his eyes widen. "Uh... I... um... I just swallowed wrong." He hangs his head down and Jeff looks at him with a frown.

My hand is hidden from all curious eyes by the table cloth. I continue to eat with a smile and David struggles to concentrate on the food. He keeps shifting under the manipulations of my hand. "David, man, come on. What do you have ants in your pants or what?" Shane asks him.

David just shakes his head and stops moving, letting me take full control, he doesn't want them to know that I'm busy fondling him under the table. I bite my lip and look at him. His eyes stare into mine and I see the conflict in his eyes but I also see the lust clouding them too.

Taken By Force and Kept For Love (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя