Behind closed doors

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A/n: I'm a SLUT for secret relationships. The Y E A R N I N G. The T E N S I O N. good fucking shit. Slight NSFW remarks but no actual smut this isn't the book for that.

Prompt: no one can know about you and L. To the taskforce you're just co workers. And on a case like kira you're unable to be a couple that often, it gets annoying. But the secret has to stay hidden.

It'd been months. The taskforce being around 24/7 was really driving a wedge between the two of you. You hadn't even kissed him in MONTHS. It'd gotten to the point where so much as looking at him made you yearn so bad you wanted to throw him into a car and drive off and never return to the case. You missed him.

You missed just being a couple. Small things. Falling asleep together, hearing the name 'darling', laughing over stupid running jokes, wrapping your arms around him when he lay in your lap, the sounds of his heartbeat when you leaned your head against him, how he wasn't afraid to be vocal with you, touching his soft skin, having his body against yours.

You wanted that life back. The two detectives hidden from the world able to live life together so in love it hurt. But Kira had to go and ruin everything.

You were meant to be packing up tapes from the whole second kira fiasco, instead you sat on the floor of the store room surrounded by all these tapes moping away. Just remembering when life was fun, when it was just you and L with nothing to hide.

You listened to him talk to the taskforce down the hall. Why can't he just talk to you like more than a co worker? He used to...

What happened to 'us'?
What happened to 'good morning darling?'
What happened to 'touch me?'
What happened to 'I love you?'

"Fuck this case..." you sighed, tossing a tape into the box carelessly.

You told yourself to fight the tears that were now welling up, but they just didn't want to stop. Forced to listen to him talk about nothing but work down the hall as you silently sobbed into your hands.

You just wanted your man back.

"Now, there should be a report on- ah... they must be upstairs" L said, upon realising the papers he had to hand out weren't on the desk.

"There's a box of them on the shelf to the left upstairs" Mr Yagami said.

"Alright, I'll be back" L replied, turning to go get them.

He left the room and walked down the hall to head upstairs. But his attention was switched to to sounds of silent crying from the store room you were in. Immediately he worried, quickly looking over this shoulder to make sure no one was there to see him. When he opened the door you jumped, looking up and trying to quickly wipe away the tears only to smudge the little makeup you had on.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?" L said, leaning down to where you sat.

You didn't think, just wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly. The first hug you'd had in months. You missed his warmth, his coffee scent, his emotion voice. Your head pressed against his chest, you listened to his heart beat, a comforting sound.

"What's wrong?" He repeated, wrapping his arms around you.

"...I miss you" you sighed.

He was silent for a moment leaning against the wall.

"I miss you too..."

His voice seemed somber, like he was feeling the same way not being able to be around you.

"I don't wanna do this case anymore, I just wanna go back to us. Back to when kira didn't drive this wedge between us" you sniffled.

"I know. Me too. But stop crying, you'll just make me cry and I don't wanna see you so upset"

You took a breath, trying to calm down. The feeling of touch from him was so good, you'd missed it so much. He was warm, comforting, breathing. He was there. Just the feeling of his chest rising and falling with his breath and the sound of his heart beat was enough.

"Please, I don't wanna hide anymore" you said.

"Neither to do I, but I can't afford to put your life at such risk. I hate the case as much as you do, I'd do anything to go back to England and go back to the way things were. But no one else would take the case seriously" he replied.

You sat on the floor of the store room just clinging to him, just enjoying the short time you had to touch him, hear him, see him as he was and not as the taskforce saw him.

"Let's sneak out tonight" he said.

"To were?" You replied, pulling away to look up at him.

"Some hotel. We can stop at a convenience store and get a bunch of snacks and find a hotel room and just... sit there. No hiding, just us. We can watch TV, next to each other. We can have a laughing fit over something stupid. We can blow each other's backs out. We can sleep next to each other. We can I dunno... play spotlight in the dark or something"

You smiled, wiping the tears away.

"That sounds great" you said.

He smiled back down at you, brushing the hair from your eyes.

"I'll organise everything. Just say you're going out to see a family member or something and meet me outside at like... 8" he said.

"I can do that, should I bring anything?"

"Just throw some pyjamas, your phone, wallet, charger and keys in a bag. Take anything else you wanna bring"

"Alright. I can't wait"

"Only a few hours away. Then it's just us"

You reached up to place a kiss on his lips, but he got to you first, pulling you in and not letting go. That long overdue kiss lasted what felt like ages, both of you so starved of each others love. And it wouldn't be the last kiss of the night for sure.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें