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HEY YO!! Surprise Surprise~🤩! An early update~this chapter is a long one as well~😌 

SO sit back and enjoy 🤩💜🌚

Alright! Those who have read the previous chapter are aware that Taemin is invited, so don't hate me when you read who I paired him with. I decided to pair him with XXXX cause I saw pictures on google 🤪

[D-Day 🎂]

Jungkook woke up at 8 am as planned, showered, and head to the kitchen.

"Ok, time to make some breakfast for my baby"

Jungkook grins widely as he took out all the required ingredients to pancakes, eggs, fruits (strawberries, bananas, apples, and blueberries), and coffee. First, he brewed coffee, then mix the butter for pancake and pour it on the pan and cooked it at medium heat. Subsequently, he washes all the fruits and cut them in pieces before placing them in a bowl. Lastly, he made an omelette with spring onions, onions, cheese, and ham. He set everything on a tray along with a cup of coffee and a red rose.


Jungkook carries the tray into the room and placed it on the side table. He climbs on the bed and leans over Jimin who was sleeping soundly sideways. Jungkook kisses Jimin cheeks softly and whispers, "Happy Birthday baby", before sucking his ear and gently biting it as he pulls away, causing Jimin to whine and wake up,

"Kookiee~ Go away"

"Happy birthday my sweet mochi"

Jimin opens his eyes and stares at Jungkook, the latter grins, "I made breakfast" gesturing towards the tray on the side table.

"Breakfast in bed for me?"

"Of course my king, only for you" Jungkook gets off the bed and jokingly bow down to Jimin as if he was royalty, making the latter giggle at his silliness.

"Come on, wash up and eat," Jungkook says as he pulls Jimin up from the bed and carries him bridal style into the bathroom, causing Jimin to gasp in surprise,

"Kookie, wha-"

Jungkook didn't reply and instead set him down on the counter. Jimin stared at Jungkook as the latter wet the toothbrush and squeeze toothpaste onto it before handing it to Jimin. Jimin took it from Jungkook and begin brushing his teeth. Jungkook stares at Jimin lovingly before leans forward and kissing his head softly.

Jungkook turns on the tap in the bathtub and walks away, leaving Jimin to brush his teeth. He returns with bath bombs and scented oil just when Jimin finished. Jimin jumps down from the counter and tilts his head sideways in confusion,

"Kookie, the food will get cold"

"I'll reheat it later. You just relax and shower"


Jungkook grabs the hem of Jimin's shirt and pulls it up, removing it and cup his cheeks, "I know I said to wash up and eat but now I'm saying to relax and take your time to bath. I want to pamper you today so let me"

Jimin blush and wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist and bury his face into his chest. Jungkook tightens his grip around Jimin and kisses his head. They stayed in this position for quite sometime before Jimin pulls away and smiles.

Jimin took a relaxing bath while Jungkook reheats the breakfast and waits for his love. Jimin was greeted by a red rose in Jungkook's hand as he steps out of the room. Jimin took the rose, smell it, smiles, "Thank you Kookie~" and kiss his lips.

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