No More Goody Two Shoes [Emo Love Story] 36

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"Well, I mean... We can figure it out. I'm ready when you are." Chase said and smiled kindly at her.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this though?" She asked, shaking her head.

"I'm sure." he said and hugged my mother. "Thank you." Chase smiled at me, "my prisoner, you're free" He said and pulled me off the couch where I had been blissfully ignoring him.

"What were you talking about?" I asked stubbornly.

"Nothing to crazy," he said. That was the last of that.

We laid in bed after eating a filling supper made, for one of the first times, by my father. He was becoming stressed out, I could see it his his eyes. He was wondering about the baby, back to the "is it his?" stage of this. We were all wondering the same thing…

Chase went to sleep in his room and I went to bed in mine. It was weird and it felt wrong to be without him. I had fell asleep around two, and I could hear him snoring from across the hall.

The morning came fast, and before I knew why I was waking up, I saw his face. I stared straight ahead at him before everything fell into place. Ivan’s letter, Chase was home, mom and dad stressed. I stared at his face, Ivan’s face. He smiled sweetly at me from the side of my bed. He patted down my hair and kissed my forehead softly.


“Don’t say a word,” He whispered in my ear. I didn’t move. “You’re going to come with me now, sweetie. I have a whole day planned.” His soft voice is what led me to like him in the first place, and hearing his voice so soft and kind I didn’t understand how he could be the person Chase describes him as. “If you say one word,” He grumbled into my hair. “Stand,” he commanded. I quietly sat up and got out of bed, thankfully wearing my clothes. My eyes were stuck open as I watched him smile sweetly and open one of my windows.

He held up the window, and gestured to leave through the window, me first. I looked at him, “Shoes?” I whispered so soft I wasn’t sure he heard me.

“Right,” he murmured back and went to my closet without taking his eyes off me. He grabbed the first pair his hands collided with. He grabbed my ankle and slid on the flat shoes. “Let’s go,” he pressed and I gave him a questioning look, leading to his snarl, “we are going on a date.”

I didn’t say anything, and slowly my anxiety grows. This is what Chase meant. He’s going to kill me. Ivan doesn’t know what I know. He couldn’t know, there’s no way. I oblige and head out the window. He grabs my hand in his and pulls me to his silent, sleek black car. He opens the door for me, smiling sweetly. I get in, not letting his eyes leave mine. He knows.

We start pulling away from the curb and I look at him, “Why are you doing this?” I whispered, knowing he could hear me still.

“Baby,” he smiled, “I like you, we’re going on a date.”

    “Baby,” I mock quietly, “I know about Carla.” The brakes slam hard enough that I hit my head off the dash and the seat belt locks afterwards, holding me tight in the seat. He stared at me. I didn’t know what he was thinking.

“What do you mean?” he whispered softly, he sounded hurt, honestly hurt.

“You killed her,” I whispered. “Because of Chase”

“Sam….” He stared at me. “Carla had died in a car accident.” he whispered, shaking his head slowly. “I… It was my fault.” He looked at me, scared. “I let her go,” he looks back down at his hands, “she had been drinking and I let her go…”

I didn’t know what to say. “Chase was with her” I said, kind of a question. “He said you had come after him.”

He doesn’t say a word, just steps on the gas lightly. “Is Chase okay?” He asked.

“He’s fine” I said.

“I don’t think he is… Sam, he tried to have sex with her, and she didn’t want to. She came to me and told me about it. I only hit him once.” He said softly, “I’m confused,” he looks at me quickly, “have you seen Chase?” I took in what he said, no it’s not true.

“He’s home,” I whispered. What do I make of this? Is Chase lying to me? Would he lie to me? “Can you bring me home?” I asked.

“Baby,” Ivan shook his head slowly, “I don’t think you should see him anymore, I’m worried.” He paused and looked at me, “for your health.” he added.

“Chase isn’t going to hurt me.” I whisper. He started to say something, “No!” I yelled. “I want to go home! I can look after myself!” I sighed heavily and glared at him.

“Excuse me?” He whispered.

“I can look after myself, I don’t need everyone looking after me!” I said slowly.

“Okay, sweetie,” he said softly. He reached for my hand, and I pulled it away. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I don’t trust you, Ivan.” I said. “I like Chase.”

“I know you do, but don’t you see? He’s nuts, Samantha. But me and you… We’re cut from the same cloth. We both have grown up in wealth. I like us together.”

“I need some time,” I said.

“Don’t.” He hissed at me, “Don’t you dare.” he stepped on the gas and my body was pushed back into my seat. “We are going to be together!” he yelled at me.

We drove and I didn’t know what to do. Shock and fear completely overwhelmed me. We flew past the state line, and I was tempted to do something crazy. Should I jump out the door? Should I scream? Or do I just wait until we stop and make a run for it? Could I run that far before he caught up?

Before I thought any more, I hit the button to release Ivan’s seat belt. “What the fuck?” He said and looked down to grab the seat belt and clip in it, but before he could I closed my eyes and grabbed the wheel, throwing it one way. “SAM!” He yelled, trying to take control of the wheel, but it was too late. We flew off the interstate and into a field, I felt sick. We had flipped and Ivan, being unbuckled, was bent up. There was a loud clash and I was sprinkled with glass from the windshield. The car flipped again and we were back on wheels. Ivan’s head was gushing blood and I gasped at myself. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I realized what I had done. My head ached from banging it off the door.

I unbuckled myself, I wasn’t bleeding, and the only pain was my wrist, head and my neck where the seat belt had carved into my neck. I tried to open the door but it was so damaged it wouldn’t budge. I slid my body, lining my legs with the door and kicked hard. Not a budge. I whined a little and kicked the window this time. It shattered and I lifted myself out of it. The car was dented up and I breathe out my mouth. I heard someone yelling from the interstate, they were running into the field towards me.

No More Goody Two Shoes [Emo Love Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora