"A walk?" Now that he was getting useful information, Gray was starting to calm down.

"Probably the hill. " Sam narrowed his eyes and wondered whether he should have told his grandson about that location. A few seconds ago he was yelling for her, and Sam was not sure if Gray was still cross with her. Sam tipped his head to the side, "Does it matter, Gray? What's going on?"

Gray, again wiped the front of his face, blew out a breath, and he strived for composure. "Someone hit her! Someone bastard hit her." Gray announced. His voice nearly cracked. He took a deep breath, fought to bring his anxiety and fury under control.

"What?" Loretta squawked in shock. She blinked as if the fact could be erased. "Regan? Someone hit her? At the restaurant?"  She wasn't expecting violence to touch their lives again. Yes of course there was crime and violence, but nothing on the scale they had experienced. Why would someone hit Regan? She is kind, and gentle, and generous and thoughtful, the thoughts registered in Loretta's mind.

"No, not at the restaurant." Breathing deeply tokeep control of his emotions, "I just saw swelling around her eyes. I saw the discolouration. Definitely the onsetof a black eye." Gray looked at his grandfather, "I saw the bruise on the side of her face. " The mere sight of her bruised face had him scared out of his mind. Every single thought had flown out of his head when he saw her leaving the restaurant. His heart headed for a melt down at the thought of someone hurting her. Who would hit her?  Why? She was kind, albeit stubborn, with a tough and independent streak. She could stand up for herself in her arguments,without resorting to violence, at least with him. But clearly not that tough, not that independent, not good enough to keep her safe, given the state of her face.

"Regan? Are you sure?" Sam frowned, " She had a black eye?"

"Yes. I think so. I only saw her for a few seconds, Caro and I were sitting at a table in restaurant, I didn't see Regan coming in, but I saw her leaving." He told his grandfather and ran a hand through his hair again. "Ever been in a situation where the world stops spinning? Everything came to a stop when I saw her face at the restaurant."

"Are you sure it was Regan?" Loretta said softly and folded her arms in front her and gave herself a hug.

"Yes!" Gray snapped. "I saw her at lunch today, and she was wearing the same clothes when I saw her at the restaurant." He frowned. "Actually, not the clothes she was wearing when she asked you to reverse her car, this morning. But she was wearing the clothes I saw when I spoke to her at lunch." Why did she change her clothes? Gray looked over at his grandfather, "Granddad, do you know where she went?" Gray realised he desperately needed to see her. To make sure she is ok.

Sam scratched his cheek and said, "The hill above the stream but I don't think you should go." Sam added, "I will..."

Gray shook his head. "You said a hill. It's dusk now, getting dark, I'd rather not have to come looking for your body if you stumbled off the edge." Plus he just needed to see her for himself.

Clearly his grandson needed to make this trip on his own. "Thanks. I am old but I am not a decrepit...." Sam murmured drolly.

Gray interrupted, "Sorry Granddad. But please, can you just tell me how to get to it."

Sam could see that Gray needed to go find Regan, if Gray was to have any peace of mind. 

Sam was about to suggest that they could go together when Gray continued, "I know you want to come, but, sorry Granddad, you would slow me down!" His eyes showed his concern. "Just point out the relevant hill!" 

"I don't think you should go on your own." Sam said gently.

Gray said firmly. "I know this farm, Granddad. I checked every single foot of this farm, I know my way around this farm. I know the paddocks, the hills, the stream. I just need you to tell me which direction." Then he shook his head, threw his grandfather an apologetic smile and explained, "Sorry, Granddad. I just want to see that she's ok and want to do it fast! If you came with me, we would still be out there tomorrow! Sorry Granddad!"

Sam shrugged in acceptance.

Gray said quietly, "She has scared me. Seeing her face. I just need to see she's ok."

Sam nodded slowly, "I know. I know." He rubbed at Gray's back, attempting to soothe him.

Gray took a breath. "I remember her walking off when we had that situation with Caro's parking. Is that the way to her spot on the hill?" Gray asked his grandfather.

"Yes. But you need to change. You can't traipse through the paddock in those shoes. And bring her back." And hopefully that time will calm Gray.

"I'll change my shoes. But you can tell me the route while I change my shoes."

So Sam explained the possible route he thought Regan took for her walks while Gray quickly shucked off his shoes and put on his working boots on. He was wearing normal socks not his work socks, so he had to tighten his laces to his working boots. He made mental notes of Sam's directions and he nodded when Sam told him to be careful.

Loretta looked at her grandfather. "You think he is ok, on his own?" She glanced at the window.

"I hope the moonlight is enough." Sam mumbled. "And I hope she has gone to where I think! Otherwise I have sent him on a goose chase."

Loretta's brow furrowed. "I hope he finds her." She folded her arms and moved towards the window to watch Gray's progress. "Who would give Regan a black eye?" She glanced back at her grandfather.

"I don't know." He joined his granddaughter at the window and watched Gray navigate the fence as he climbed over the stile.

They both watched as Gray's silhouette vanished into the gloom of the evening. "We should have told him to take a torch!" Sam said, only to see his torch light! Sam smiled at his reflection in the window. "I guess he must have got the torch from his car."

Loretta nodded. "Which shows he was back in control. Thinking logically."

Sam draped an arm across his granddaughter's shoulder. "Yes. Thank goodness. He will need it. Both with navigating this route and dealing with Regan's shock when he catches up with her." Sam said softly.

"He was really worried about her." Loretta declared as she watched the flicker of the torch.

"I know." Sam nodded and watched the fading light of the torch.

"More than I expected." Loretta frowned and then looked over at her grandfather, "Granddad, I think he is going out with the wrong person!"

"I know." Sam nodded.

"Are you going to tell him that?" Loretta asked with a doleful smile.

"You think it will made a difference?" Sam saw the torch light vanish as Gray disappeared over the ridge.

Loretta sighed. "We could just mention it." She shrugged and moved away from the window now that Gray vanished from sight.

Sam chuckled and like his granddaughter, moved away from the window. Astuteness was partof his character. "When exactly?"

"Just, in passing!" Loretta shrugged. Sam chuckled. She smiled, "You know, just drop it in! At a relevant point! You can do that, Granddad! You are good at that! He listened to you!"

Sam chuckled again. "He might listen. But will he take any notice?"

Loretta rolled her eyes, "No. You are right. He will ignore our advice!" Loretta's eyes widened as another idea registered, "We could work on Regan! Maybe she has not realised that Gray fancies her!"

"Not sure that Gray, as you inelegant said, fancies Regan!"

Loretta scowled. "Yes, he does. He is out there, in darkness, looking for her because he was worried about her. Really worried about her."

Sam nodded. "He might like her, but he doesn't want to!" Sam declared with sudden perception.

"And they say women are difficult!" Loretta muttered.

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