Chapter 26 - Kissed a Girl.

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Summer ran off. Seth was helping Roman off the broken table. "What happened?" I asked wrapping an arm around her "We got attacked from behind" She mumbled.

Angel POV

RAW was coming to the end. Randy was out there talking about how he's the face. Blah. Blah. Blah. He showed them the attack on me and Roman which made my blood boil. "I would like Angel out here. Alone" that caught my attention.

"I'll go." "No you're not" Dean grabbed my hand. "Dean. Please?"

He sighed. "If anything happens he's dead" I nodded.

"Forfeit the game Before somebody else Takes you out of the frame And puts your name to shame Cover up your face You can't run the race The pace is too fast You just won't last.."

I slowly walked down the ramp. He smirked. I walked to the commentary and grabbed a mic. "Ok. Orton. I'm here. What do you want?" "First come in the ring" "Like I'm that stupid." "I have a offer you might like." "You can tell me where I'm standing" "I can't do that. Come on Angel. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I rolled my eyes and got in the ring face to face with him. "That's better" He smirked. "Now. You can take it or leave it. I won't hurt you Ever again if you leave The Shield and be with me. Or. I'll just keep hurting you and hurting you until you Break" He smiled brushing his fingers against my cheek. I backed away. "What do you choose Angel? No actually I'll make the choice for you" he grabbed me. "Come on Shield. I know you don't want me to harm her" He screamed. I couldn't breath.

Dean came running out. "Stop or I will hurt her" He stood outside. Roman and Seth were sneaking down the stairs.

"Let her go" Dean growled. "Or what?" He smirked tightening the grip on my neck. I let out a gasp. I looked at Dean. "Now. Tell Angel you don't want her in your group at that she's mine" He laughed.

"No. Don't" I struggled to say. I let out a scream. Seth was behind him. I flipped him over my shoulder and collapsed to the ground trying to breath in oxygen. Roman and Seth attacked him. Dean came to my side and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest and closed my eyes.

Dean POV

I lifted her up bridal style and stood outside the ring waiting for them to finish. "Guys" They both looked and rolled out the ring.

I carried her to our locker room and set her down on the couch. "What are we gonna do?" Seth asked as we stood there watching her. "I don't know" I sighed rubbing my temples.

Angel POV

I layed there listening to there conversation. I opened my eyes. Dean was topless. Roman and Seth were sat down chatting. "Angel I see you staring" Dean smirked and turned around. I giggled. He came over and kissed me. I pulled him on top and started making out.

"EWW" Seth squealed. Roman was chuckling. "You guys can watch or leave" "Ok. I'll watch" Seth smirked. I rolled my eyes and threw Dean shoe at him. He screamed and ran out. "Don't break the couch" Roman said closing the door. "You sure?" Dean asked with concern. "It's all I need"

Seth POV

"Seth will you stop listening in" Roman said as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Shh" He rolled his eyes. "She's so loud and to be honest her moan is a turn on" Roman eyes widened. "DUDE. That's your Sister in law." I shurgged. "Do you still like her?" "Sorta but I love Martha"

I banged on the door. "ARE YOU DONE?" The door opened. "Impatient you are" she was in a wavy Pink dress with a short sleeve white cardigan on. She climbed on to Dean lap.

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