1 - Pocky and Blue Shells

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 So who here likes Madoka Magica?

Well, read on, children.

I promise this one won't take a horrible twist three episodes in and become depressing as heck okay?


Day 3: gaming/watching a movie

Kyoko and Sayaka sped a lazy day playing Mario Kart, but Mario Kart is a very serious game in which it much be taken very seriously - or at least that's what Kyoko thinks...


“Man, you really suck at this game Sayaka!”

“I can’t help it when you push me off the couch Kyoko!”

“Well I’m being distracted by having to push you off to distract you so I think we’re even!”

Kyoko was undefeated when it came to Mario Kart, even Homura and Mami could never match her. She was the neighbourhood champion. Even blue shells weren’t enough to stop her. Poor Sayaka didn’t stand a chance.

“Hey!!” The blue-haired girl pouted. “Go easy on me pleeeeaaaaaase.”

“And lose to the likes of you?” Kyoto scoffed, a stick of pocky hanging from her mouth. “Hah! Please.”

Sayaka took one hand off her wheel to punch Kyoto in the shoulder. “You’re the worst girlfriend ever!”

“Damn right,” Kyoko replied with a grin, knowing she didn’t really mean it. She stuck her tongue out  to tease her partner.

Sayaka fell off the edge of the road again and let out a huge groan.

“That’s it. Pull over and let me win or no cake tonight,” She said, crossing her arms in frustration, and completely ignoring the fact that her kart darted to the right and into a wall.

Fear instilled itself in Kyoto’s eyes, she glanced sideways as her kart reached the straightaway. “No...” she begged. "Please not the cake. Anything but the cake.”

“Ahah!” Sayaka said, raising an arm in the air in victory and using the other one to nudge Kyoko playfully in the ribs as she gave her a wink. “I found your weakness did I?”

Kyoto gave an irritated look across, before returning her attention to the game. “No,” she muttered, completely deadpan.

“Okay, more cake for me then!” Sayaka grinned. “And it’s the one from Madoka’s birthday too. All that rich chocolate cake with the cream and cherries in the middle, and yummy thick icing. Mmmmm, you’re gonna miss out.”

She knew that would get Kyoko to cave in eventually. Surely it would!

“Well, sorry, but I just crossed the line and won. You enjoy that cake won’t you?” Kyoto replied, acting as if she wasn’t jealous of the cake.

“Heyyyyyyyy!! Kyoookooooooooo!” Sayaka whined with a frown. A tear formed in the corner of one of her sapphire blue eyes. “ That was no fair. I want a rematch. Right now.”

Kyoko gave her girlfriend a cocky grin, unable to resist such a cutie, or the chance to show off her supremacy again. “Fine,” She replied. “You sure are a persistent li’l one aren’t ya?”

Sayaka didn’t respond, instead picking a track before Kyoko even had the chance to look. The corners of her lips turned up as a devious plan for victory formed in her head.

“Hey Kyokooo~” she sang, just as the race was about to start. She was pulling the most seductive pose she could manage while slouching lazily on the couch playing video games.

“Shut up, I’m tryna drive,” The redhead scowled, not taking her eyes off the screen for an instant.

Sayaka groaned, but she wasn’t done with yet. She crawled across the couch, like a snake sizing up its next meal, her gaze had bedroom eyes written all over it. She slid her body into Kyoko’s lap, in between her arms, so close they could feel each other’s breath racing from the exhilaration of the intimacy they shared in that moment. Sayaka trailed one hand around to the back of Kyoko’s neck and pressed their lips together. The crimson girl’s lips were soft and plump - even more so than usual - Sayaka noticed to herself.

However, while they kissed, Sayaka made sure to keep her eyes on the tv and one hand on the wheel so she could still drive around the track.

“Mm...Sayaka..” Kyoko gasped in between kisses. They had become more and more ferocious each time their lips met.

"Yeah, Sayaka alright…” the blue-haired girl muttered, barely able to suppress the urges she felt at that moment and keep her focus on driving. "SAYAKA'S ABOUT TO WIN!” She announced, anticipation swelling as she rounded the final bend.

“Wait,” Kyoko muttered, slowly coming to the realisation she was still at the start line. “SAYAKA YOU ASS!”

Sayaka was grinning like a maniac, the finish line was just a few metres away. “Come on stupid car!” she screamed at the tv. “Faster!”

She gave a cheer of joy as she crossed the line, turning to face Kyoko. “Hah! In your face Kyoko! I beat you! You lose! Hah!”

Kyoko only smirked to herself and kept driving.

“Huh?” Sayaka stammered, surprised by her indifference. Wasn’t winning in Mariokart the only thing that mattered to her? After all, she even chose it over food!

“You idiot.” Kyoko sighed, chewing on the pocky in her mouth. "That was only the first lap!"

“Awwww man!” Sayaka moaned in frustration, collapsing to the ground.

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