Known Better

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Biting my lip, I put away the last of my dress inventory while my thoughts drifted to Maximus. I know I should find out what he does for work but at the same time, I don't want to risk finding out what it is and have it send me running.

I'm getting the feeling it will.

The fact he was in the bad side of town.

The fact that Desimond shows fear and awe at him.

The fact that when he came barging into my shop with a gunshot wound, it wasn't his first time he found himself in that situation and was completely calm.

The fact that Maximus has scars littering his entire body.

All of these add up to him being more than a man who was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Yet despite all these warning signs telling me to walk away, I can't. I'm not a hopeless romantic, I have seen multiple relationships start and end. I have seen relationships and the love in it become twisted and fake.

I'm not saying I've fallen in love with Maximus, but there is something that is keeping me from walking away. Even if it would be in my best interest.

Deep down I know the fun of the mysterious, dangerous man may end in the way I met Maximus.


"Well doesn't this place look like it always has." A voice spoke behind me making me close my eyes and slowly open them. Turning I find my 'mother' standing in the door frame with her nose wrinkled in distaste. "God, I have always hated it here."

Crossing my arms, I shifted looking her over. She was wearing a pastel pink pencil skirt with a blue blouse, her hair down and face covered in make-up, a face that looks likes she is on face lift number six.

Burying my emotion at the woman in front of me, I try to keep my face passive. "Then what are you doing here, Monica?"

She put her hand on her chest making it look like she is hurt. "My is that any way to talk to your mother?"

I shifted on my feet, I wanted nothing more than to yell at her to 'get the fuck out', that she shouldn't be here to play victim when she is about to use me. But I guess there is always a part of me that hopes she is here to make amends.

She tried to raise a brow at me waiting for my response, but the movement was barely noticeable from the Botox. "You are many things but you have never been a mother to me."

"Maybe I want to be?" She asked sweetly taking a step forward. "Stella, you have always been my daughter."

"Thought I was the result of a broken condom." I muttered trying to make sure my walls are up with her. "I mean, that's what you always told me."

She gave me a soft smile, one I sensed is forced. "I know I have done wrong by you and I'm sorry. You deserved better."

"Glad you agree." I snap taking a deep breath. "Heard you were looking for Nanna, she's not here."

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