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Man : Did you just fall?
Apple : No, I was just checking if gravity still works.

November was almost ended. But the cold that it brought was lingered. The nights breeze were chilly and cold. But not as cold as KGE's heart tonight.

She got home feeling exhausted. It wasn't from the long and tiring shooting day, unfortunately. She was exhausted from feeling rejected and feeling unresolved.

It was 10pm when she got home from the Dakbal dinner she and KKN had after their filming. It was really not a beautiful ending of the day for her. She could remember the coldness and indifference LMH had given her as he rejected her invitation. She got the chill all over her body. No, it wasn't just her body that got the chill, but most of all it was her heart.

"Eonni, I know you're sleeping. You don't need to answer me now. I think I pass. I'm not his fan anymore. If you know what I mean."

... Sent...
... Sent...

Even the signal rejects me!
Is it a fate?
She pouted
She bit her lower lip
Her index finger was over the press button
Press it or not?
Still thinking

... Erased...

It doesn't matter
It's not important anymore
I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I'm not his fan anymore, though
I guess I was just too sensitive
He told me that he had to see his sister
Why should I feel like this?
It was just a dinner
It wasn't a romantic dinner anyway
It wasn't even a date
He didn't have to accept
Why should he accept?

She sighed.
She could find a thousand reasons to be angry and to hate him. But at the end of the day, she just need one reason to forgive him. She thought.
The only reason is
Because it's him.

She decided to just let it go and think about tomorrow's work. She was never had this twister of feelings from as long as she could remember when she worked with any other of her Co-stars before. She really needed to make peace with her heart. Beside, she needed to regain her strength for tomorrow's scenes.


"Noona! How was your day? I bet you had the best time of your life. I wonder what did you two have after the shoot. Hail Pyeha!"

DooHwan-ah! You're an angel.
Thank you for your text
I can smile now

"It was a blast! Thank you Hoobae! I went eating Dakbal after the shoot. But your Pyeha wasn't around. I was with KKN-sshi."


"I'm dead!! Don't tell me you were alone with Kyung-Nam Hyeong! You kill me, Noona!! You won't ever see me again! Aigo!!"

KGE giggled and she felt her heart happy again. DooHwan-ah, you're the sweetest!

"Don't worry. He killed me already."

Tick tock tick tock
No reply
Still no reply

Are you really dead?
KGE didn't want to wait for his reply

"DooHwan-ah! Are you asleep?"


"Noona, please be happy. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Guess everyone had their own business tonight. As for her, it was time to let go of everything she had in mind. It would be a long cold and tiring night.


LMH was just finished his night shower. He was walking around his bed room with only a towel wrapped up around his waist. He just had his hair washed and had his soft mustache shaved. He smelled like mint and wood. He always loved the after shower and having a hot green tea before going to bed.

Jamanchu (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now