Fifty Three

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If you don't know who Of Monsters and Men, or Bowling for Soup, or Death Cab for Cutie are, check them out. They have songs and band members worth writing fanfictions about.

Can you please stop having famous people have one-night stands with you so you get knocked up? Really, get some new ideas.

Phan (Phil and Dan) smutty one-shots are often crap because you're 12 and writing sex between two nice YouTubers. So don't do that.

Before writing a sex scene, ask yourself: "Do I need a sex scene? Do I really? Or am I doing it so that people will vote and comment more? Will it move the story forward, or will it make a shitty plot twist because someone will get pregnant?"

I like Beethoven twists (where your protagonist is deaf but loves a band member) because I haven't seen too many of them, and because they are well-written. Don't screw them up, and don't start using this plot line over and over again.

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