We Could've been

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I started ahead in Awe at to what he just told me as tears fell down my face I lost both of my parents in a week

"I'm sorry for your loss," he said as he put the car in park as we got to my house

"Thank you sir" I added a $5 dollar tip to his account as I grabbed my baby bag and Armani's car seat

"My pleasure"  he waved as he drove off I sighed as I looked for my keys in my purse

"You need some help?" I heard behind me I turned around to see Lucas

"Y-Your out?"

"Why you been crying ma?" He looked me in my eyes

"My parents just died" I looked back towards the door and fished the keys out he was quiet he knows how I feel because his mom died too

"Lucas, I'm tired are you staying here or leaving?" I said as I picked up Armani's car seat and walked into the house

"Autumn I-"

"I don't wanna hear it right now Lucas I'm tired didn't you do enough already" I looked at him with my black eye he clenched his fist and punched the wall next to me I flinched

"Autumn what did I tell you about cutting me off!" He looked at me in rage

"I-I'm sorry I'm just t-" he cut me off my pushing me to the ground And choking me


My parents just died" She looked back towards the door and fished the keys out I stayed quiet because I was still heated about her talking to that man at the hospital

"Lucas, I'm tired are you staying here or leaving?" She said as She picked up Armani's car seat and walked into the house

"Autumn I-" I tried to say

"I don't wanna hear it right now Lucas I'm tired didn't you do enough already" She looked at me and pointed to her black eye I clenched my fist and punched the wall next to her She flinched

"Autumn what did I tell you about cutting me off!" I looked at her in a rage then I blacked out

"What did I tell you about talking to people" I slammed her into the ground as she was gasping for air I punched her repeatedly in her stomach and face until I heard a crack and she yelled out in pain she tried to crawl away but grabbed her leg and dragged her back

"Stop LUCAS STOP" she yelled as she held her stomach in agony she threw up blood on the carpet I kicked her in the back and got off the floor and went upstairs


I laid on the living room floor in pain as I tried to get up and get my child but I could barely move I silently sobbed as I heard footsteps at the door I gasped I left the door open

"Ma'am, are you ok?" A woman asked me I shook my head no as blood was dripping from my nose she looked so familiar

"I'm gonna call the police" I lifted my finger to my face and told her to shhh I pointed to the stairs she understood and called from outside I will finally get away from him I'm finally free I looked around and it was blurry I could barely see anything my eye was swollen shut and my lips were huge and my nose was bleeding my ribs feel fractured it hurts to breathe and my back was bruised I crawled to Armani's car seat and unbuckled my 5-month-old daughter and brought her on the floor with me she put her tiny hand on my eye as a tear fell how could I let myself get like this I'm broken I don't know how to put myself first I don't know how to live without pain... the lady came back inside and gasped when she saw my daughter

"I called the police they are on their way" she mouthed

"Thank you" I mouthed back to her as Armani climbed on my stomach I let out a loud cry

"Ahhh" I grabbed my stomach  I quickly covered my mouth I heard police sirens getting closer and closer until they were right in front of my apartment building

"What's going on?" Lucas said coming downstairs he looked towards me and looked hurt he didn't even see the lady

"I'm sorry" I cried as he walked towards me as 3 police officers walked into my apartment

"Lucas Coly you are under arrest for Domestic Battery," they said as they pinned him against the wall and handcuffed him the officer spoke into the walkie talkie

"We need an ambulance and a pediatric nurse for a child and an adult" they grabbed him forcefully and dragged in out the apartment

"I'll be back Autumn you not done with me yet" he laughed as the pushed out the apartment I was shaking violently because how scared I was of him

"Come on sweetie I got you," the nice lady said as she helped me sit up and held Armani in her arms and that's when it clicked that is my grandma 

"Grandma?" I asked shocked

"Yes It's me baby" she looked down at me

"But I thought you-"

"I did but your mom sent me down here to save you"

"But how?" I looked at her amazed

"The ambulance is here" she pointed outside as she slowly faded away

"No don't leave me please!" I said as she completely faded as Armani was back in my arms fast asleep the paramedics came In with a stretcher and placed me gently on it 

"Do you want us to take the baby" I shook my head no as the carried the stretcher out I looked towards the sky and thanked God that I was finally free and I could live again

We made it to the ambulance truck and the put me in it  the paramedics gave me oxygen and put an IV in my arm I flinched he looked at me 

"I'm so sorry you went through this no one should ever have to go through this especially someone as beautiful as you," he said softly

"Thank you," I said shyly

"You're welcome beautiful," he said as he caressed my hand Armani moved around in my arms and kicked my stomach I winced

"Ahh" I moved her leg

"Ma'am we have a crib for her over here the officer told us she was an infant and we came prepared" I nodded my head as he took her out of my arms and put her in the crib I was slowly but surely getting tired soon my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep thinking about all the thing We could've been...

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