Millie McCall was different. You could see it in her eyes.
Millie knew she was adopted. Her mother told her that her birth parents had no choice but to give her up, but Millie didn't believe that and she didn't care.
Family isn't defi...
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3rd Person:
"Scott" Millie shouts into the house as her and Rebekah walk through the front door. "So, this is your house?" She questions. "Only since I was born" Millie replies walking away from Rebekah and into the kitchen, causing her to miss the frown on the Originals face at her words.
"Why is there a dent in the wall?" She asks following into the room. "Me and Scott had a little bit of an argument last week" Millie replies as if it were no big deal. "Do your fights normally end with holes in the house?" She asks, thinking of her family. "Well our fights normally happen in the woods, or the clinic or creepy abandoned houses, so no?" Millie answers but it was more of a question causing Rebekah to laugh.
"Who normally wins?" She asks. Millie turns to her and smirks, "who do you think" she answers before grabbing a apple and going up the stairs.
"Welcome to my humble abode" The 5ft tall girl says as she opens her door and puts her phone on charge.
As Rebekah looks around the girls room smiling at every picture and object that belongs to her niece, Millie goes into her closet to find an outfit. Bringing her chosen outfit out, she puts it onto the bed as her phone rings.
"Hello?" Millie questions as she puts her phone to her ear, unaware of the blonde original listening into the conversation.
"Hey sugar" the voice of Lydia Martin sounds through the phone.
"What's up, buttercup?" Millie questions as she packs her books into her bag.
"Where are you? Are you ok? You're going to be late again. Scott told me what happened and I've been calling all night and Derek said that you didn't stay at his" Lydia rushed out.
"Strawberry" Millie shouts from her bathroom, "I'm fine".
"Are you sure? Where are you? Where were you?" She questions.
"Yes I'm sure, I'm at home with Rebekah and I was in the woods" I told her.
"You spend the night in the woods?" Lydia questions, a hint of disgust in her voice.
"My phone was dead and it was dark. I got lost and plus it's not like you have never spent the night in the woods before" Millie defended as she ate the apple.
"Oh well hurry up I don't want to walk into school without you" Lydia says as Millie threw the apple core into the bin and started to do her makeup.
"I'll be there in 20" Millie replies before hanging up the phone, not really wanting to be asked anymore questions.
"doesn't it take 15 minutes to drive to school from here?" Rebekah questions. "Not if I drive" Millie replies as she grabs her brush and starts to un matte her hair. "Are you not showering?" Rebekah asks. "Well excuse you. And, for your information, I had a shower last night" Millie sasses as she puts her now tamed hair into a messy ponytail before strutting over the her clothes.
"You mean, before you slept in the woods?" The original questions. "There isn't any time, I can't be late again. And, plus, I'm going home at lunch" Millie tells her. "Why?" Beks questions. "It's a thing me and sometimes Lydia does. Most Thursdays we leave at lunch to do something since we only have Study Hall and Spanish for 6th and 7th period" Millie replies as she slings her bag over her shoulder, "Lately though it's been turned into a group thing since there is always some sort of drama in this town".
"Come on, let's go to school" Millie says not giving the original time to question her last statement and the two girls exit her room.
I separate from Rebekah as we enter the classroom so that she can go and sit with Davina and Hope whilst I walk towards Lydia and Kira.
"You're late" Lydia says as the bell rings. "I am right on time" I tell her before looking at Kira who is sat in my seat, "why are you sat there? move" I tell her with furrowed brows and a glare causing her to just move over so I can sit in between them. "These are your math notes?" Kira asks causing me to look at Lydia. "no wonder Malia is failing" I say.
"Um, some of them are my notes. The rest I think might actually be a code" Lydia replies. "But you don't remember writing it?" Kira questions. "Not in the slightest. But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the nemeton, I should probably find out what it means before it tries to kill us." Lydia responds. "Great, and here's me thinking that I could actually have a day were my life wasn't at risk" I say sarcastically unaware of the supernaturals on the back row listening in closely.
"Maybe it's like the Enigma Code that Allies used. Remember my dad was a World War 2 buff, and my mom was, well, in it?" Kira says causing Hope and Rebekah to look at each other equally confused, obviously not knowing how it was possible for her to be alive back then since she wasn't a vampire.
"I think this is a variation on something called the Vigenere Cipher" Lydia tells Kira. "Do you know how to crack it" Kira asks. "With a key" I state as Lydias mom dangles the keys in front of our faces. "Remember the rules. No more than six people allowed in the lake house. Stay out of the wine and if anything gets broken, it's getting added to your credit card debt" she tells Lydia. "Fine" the strawberry blonde replies reaching out to grab the keys until they are pulled back once more. "And lock up the basement. From all the scratch marks I found on the walls, it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there" Natalie says causing me to bit my bottom lip and Lydia to awkwardly smile. We share a look before the teacher begins the lesson.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Word Count: 1050. Published: 14/11/2020. A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update this book. I've got mocks for the next two weeks so I've been revising like crazy.
Also, I'm really not sure how or when Millie should find out she is a Mikealson, so I need to figure that out.
I know this chapter isn't the best (especially the beginning with Rebekah) but I don't know what else to do. Ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes I haven't re-read or editing this chapter.