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Candy's POV:

"Willy that is absolutely bonkers!"

"Not bonkers Gumdrop,  GENIUS!"

"Whatever you wish to call it, I don't think it's a good idea."

Willy and I were in the invention room, testing his new chewing gum, gum that tastes like a full three-course meal! A truly fantastic idea really, only the recipe still isn't quite right as it keeps turning the poor Oompa Loompas blue.  But I know it will work someday and will take the world by storm, just like Willy's other amazing creations. No one else does candy as he does...well they didn't use to anyway. You see a few years ago, when we had outsiders work in our factory, many spies infiltrated the factory, stealing many of Willy's plans and then using them for their own gain. Willy then lost faith in the outside world and he locked the gates of the factory so no one could ever steal from him again.

But now that's all going to change...

"Willy, don't you remember why this whole factory has been locked away from the outside world? Don't you remember all the trouble it caused us the first time?" I asked staring up at him, not looking too pleased.

He replied, "But don't you see, Gumdrop?" he removed his top hat and pointed to a small, silvery strand in his hair, "I'm getting old, who will take care of you and the Oompa Loompas and the factory when I'm gone?" he said, the purple tint in his eye fading slightly.

My heart softened when I heard that, he was looking out for us, he was looking out for me. I pulled him in for a hug and he hugged back.

When we pulled away from each other I said, "So, what's the plan?"

"OH, I'm so glad you asked," he said excitedly, "The plan is, that we will plant five golden tickets into five random Wonka bars and whoever finds a golden ticket shall be invited to visit the factory."

This was actually a smart plan, "Not a bad idea Willy but how will that help you decide who will become heir to the factory?" I questioned.

"When the ticket holders arrive at the factory, I'll show them around and whoever is the least rotten shall become my successor," he giggled and began bopping around the room, "Isn't it a marvellous plan?"

"Indeed it is Willy."

Oh lord...

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