'Like where?' I questioned.

'You'll see.' He smiled, before pulling out into the main road. We drove down that road for a while before driving down more narrow roads in the centre of a town. I looked around me when suddenly I spotted a beach!

'We're going to the beach!!' I squealed.

Louis just looked at me and smiled. His smile made the whole day even better. We parked the car and walked along the road before finally making it onto the sand. It was soft and golden and slid between my toes. The ocean ahead was a gorgeous shimmering blue, that lapped gently on the rocks. The sky was a pale blue and there were no clouds in sight.

As we walked along the beach side by side, I decided to do something I'd never done before. I placed my hand in Louis and intertwined my finder around his. He looked up at me and laughed.

'Brave move.' He said, before squeezing my hand like he didn't want me to let go.

It was quite early in the morning, so there weren't many people on the beach, if any at all. Louis wrote mine and his names in the sand and drew a huge heart around them. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and took a photo. It took a few attempts before I got a nice one as Louis kept moving his hand in front of the camera on purpose.

Then Louis said 'shall we go in the sea.'

'But I didn't bring anything to wear.' I sighed. Then I saw Louis pull out one of my swimsuits from his bag.

'How did you~' I was shocked. Where had he even gotten it from?

'Eleanor gave it to me.' He smiled. I ran over to the small changing cubicles and pulled on my swim suit. It was black with purple and blue lines down the side. I looked at myself in the small mirror that was in the cubicle and looked disgustingly at my body.
'Are my legs too fat?'
'Is my waist slim enough?'
'Do I look stupid?'
All these thoughts raced around my head. So in the end I pulled my shorts and hoodie back on over the top of my swimsuit. I hated the fact that I couldn't go out like that. It made me feel stupid, but I would feel even worse if I didn't have my clothes on.

When I came back into the beach, Louis was already knee deep in the ocean. 'Hey!' I shouted.

'Sorry,' he said 'girls take too long to get ready.' He laughed as he splashed around in the blue water. He looked over at me and his face fell.

I paddled in the shallow water for a while, before Louis came and wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. He carried me deeper into the water.

'You know Bailey, your body is gorgeous. You're skinny, and you're super fit,' Louis laughed 'but it's not just your body that's gorgeous. Your stunning smile, your soft and wispy hair, your cute pink cheeks, and those ocean eyes. They get me every time. Every time I see them, i fall more and more in love with them, with you.' Louis smiled and kissed my lips. 'I love you Bailey, and you mean so much to me. I don't even know what I'd do if I lost you.'

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as more filled in my eyes.

'Don't cry!' Louis said, sounding panicked, trying to wipe my tears away. He didn't do a very good job of it because his hands were soaking wet from the sea.

'I love you too Louis.' I whispered through tears, and kissed him back. I truly meant it. I decided it was only fair that I gave Louis a speech too.

'I love everything about you too. Your cheeky smile, your messy hair, your gorgeous body and you have a pretty cute bum.' I laughed, still in tears.

'Sure do.' Louis laughed. I still had my legs wrapped around Louis' waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. His lips were soft but small, and weren't too bad at kissing either.

As I pulled away he whispered 'You are beautiful Bailey Bear, never forget that.'


The beach was starting to get a little bit more crowded, so we got out the sea and Louis bought us both an ice cream. I just wanted to eat mine but Louis had other ideas.

He started pressing the Mr Whippy onto his chin and shouting 'Merry Christmas everyone.' I just laughed at him, whilst licking my ice cream.

Once again, we walked back along the beach, hand in hand back towards the car park.

'Ok now time for the real family event.' Louis smiled as he put the key into ignition.

'There actually is a family event?' I asked

'Yeah,' Louis laughed in just wanted to treat you to a morning out,' Louis smiled.

'Well Thankyou.' I smiled back at him

Those ocean eyes | louis Tomlinson fanfiction |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora