"Just go away" Reem said rolling her eyes. He should be in theaters she thought.

"It's Rana" Riyaz or Rana corrected confidently, biting his lip.

After, Jai literally dragging him out from the area, forcing him in the cab that leads to dry cleaning. He said Riyaz to pick his clothes up from there while Riyaz shouted I have my classes to attend!!!

"Okay so what's the matter girls you gonna confess something to us? Like I'm the most handsome among us boys you can't live without me and you know Jai Jai..." Jai asked excitedly.

"Right now you look like one of Reem's failed recipe in the attempt to cooking" Jannat said eyeing Jai's red and blue face."Anyway, you guys should really mind your business just stay out of us. You only bring trouble you only have hurt us. We just want you to be away and let us live in peacefully is it too much to ask?" Jannat demanded grazing her gun.

Abhi sighed, "see we are sorry" he looked at Vaishnavi she was looking down at her shoes, "we really are and-"

"First of all don't talk in unit. Others are grown up enough to say for themselves" Reem interjected glancing at Jai who was rubbing his face with an over the top agony look.

"Okay. I am sorry. Can we just move past it and start new?" Abhi asked hopefully staring at Vaishnavi, she was still looking down at her shoes what was so interesting he wondered staring at it too.

"No we don't-"

"Can we just not talk in unit?" Abhi cut Reem off smiling.

Reem flushed nodding stiffly, nudging Vaishnavi to answer.

Vaishnavi faced up how to do this she didn't know but today she would tell him and she didn't care what he thought about her. She just wanted it to be out of her chest.
"I like you Abhi" okay not completely out but still let's start with like then love.

Abhi stumbled in shock hitting his head with the heartbroken Faisu. Faisu yelled.
Siddharth hissed back "Shhhh..."

"Um... I like you too Va- aishnavi"Abhi coughed rubbing his neck. What happened to his voice??

"Babe just don't faint now" Jannat alerted Vaishnavi she looked very near to fainting.

"Oh" she whispered. Whattt!!! ABHI!!? liked her this had to be a dream. Oh wow it felt real it was real OH MY GOD!!! NO!! YES!! SHOOT SHOOT!! WHAT TO DO NOW?.

"Okay" she whispered again.

"So?" Abhi asked looking equally uncomfortable.

"Just go talk it out ... this is making us feel awkward" Reem pushed Vaishnavi. Clumsy by nature Vaishnavi tripped Abhi got up at once he held her by the shoulders.

They stared at each other and then didn't who made the first step but there lips found each others . It went from nervous plus awkward to the full grabbing.

"Yuck" Jai puked in the fountain near Siddharth. Siddharth kicked him irritatedly.

Reem pulled Vaishnavi back like whole three minutes later, "okay that's enough for today "

They both blushed cutely, Abhi held his hand out, "shall we?"

"You're going to dance!" Jai shouted waking Avneet up.

"Jai you are so dead!" Siddharth stood up angrily.

Jai ran yelling glancing at Reem, "my face is already dead!"

"Your body is mine then!" Siddharth yelled back chasing him glancing at Avneet.

"I don't like where this conversation is going!" Jai shouted passing by Vaishnavi and Abhi who were walking hand in hand heading to somewhere.?

"We are going!" Reem announced beckoning Avneet.

Jannat shook her head at Faisu in pity, looks like it would take ages for him to get over.

Siddharth looked back to say wait but didn't stop running and he ran straight to Avneet she was rubbing the sleep off her eyes she put her hands down blinking and Siddharth jumped right at her and both went into the water.

"Ahhh!!!" she screamed clutching him, cold water really awakened her.

"I'm sorry" Siddharth said holding her tightly, water dripping on his head from the statue's arrow.

"You are way too late" Avneet said wiping her face.

"I know I'm sorry" Siddharth blinked not to think how close they were now not to think that he liked it.

"You pushed me!"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm wet"

"I'm not sorry" he smirked.

"What?" She glared.

"I'm sorry"

"And you kissed me!"

"I didn't..oh" he brought his lips down to hers mumbling, "I'm sorry"

What to say Avneet did like him can't resist long. (Me too 😭)

Their feet stuck out from the fountain wasn't a very nice sight for the onlookers.

"Well we will die single Jannat" Reem said watching them.

"No you have me" Jai reminded puking his guts out at Reem's shoes. Reem yelped glaring at him.

"Wanna be my rebound?" Faisu asked Jannat miserably, still in Rana's thoughts.

With in the background, speaker blasting Principal's voice demanding them to come straight to the office.

Yeah right, fiasco happens when funky boys meet Badass girls.


Oh well here it ends I really did enjoy writing it and I had planned only this much . Yeah I didn't think it as a novella just a light fun reading with craziness.

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