Chapter 6

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I woke up around 7:00 and notciced something on my forehead...

It was a sticky note.

' I had to leave and I didn't want to wake you up. Text me when you wake up? ~ Cody '

Ah! That's so sweet! I started looking for my phone....


" Ouch!" I fell out of bed trying to look for my phone... Great.. I got up heard my phone buzz.... WHERE IS MY PHONE?!!? ... Oh it's on the counter. Silly me haha. I unlocked it and checked who texted me.

From Cody

' Good morning! Are you awake? :)'

I smiled and replied.

' Yeah, What's up? * By the way nice sticky note *'

I decided I should change into some comfy clothes since I slept in what I was wearing yesterday. I checked if I had anything in my pockets... Sticky note?

' Lilly's number ;) Call me '

Why was this sticky note in my pocket? Oh yeah when I had to get the tickets I accidentally put the sticky that was in his pocket into my pocket. Oops. Why does he have this in his pocket?

What the? Who the helk is Lilly?... Why does that sound so annoying yet familiar... Oh yeah that Lilly! She was that chick with her friends when Cody and I were walking to the movies yesterday!... She was the one who winked at him. Should this bother me so much? Nah, maybe a shower could help me think.. I always do my thinking in the shower.

I got out of the shower and changed into some sweats , long sleeve shirt , and some UGGS.

I went down stairs and heated up some pancakes. Mmm pancakes. I heard my phone buzz in my pocket again.

From: Joshua

' Hi Ames. How was yesterday?* Hope your still not mad at me!*'

I sent him a message.

' It was amazing! And no I forgive you. Why did you act so weird yesterday???'

' That's cool. I guess I just felt protective of you. He seems like that kind of guy who's a player. IThat reminds me I have to tell you something I'll be over in about 15 minutes.' 

' Um, Okay I guess. If it's that important. See ya'

I put my dishes in the sink and heard someone walk in the room.

" Amy wash those dishes you didn't wash them yesterday. Love you bye Ames." It was my Dad and like always he was in a rush to leave to work.

" Amy you heard your father wash the dishes... Did you make your bed? If not make your bed. I'm going to the store stay safe and lock the door. Love you bye."

" Yes Ma'm I will. Love you too. Oh yeah Josh is coming over soon."

" That's fine with me. But first you have to clean!" 

" Okay okay bye love you too." I went back up stairs and made my bed I cleaned my room also. I heard a knock on the door and screamed." IT"S OPEN!"

The door opened." Jeez Amy not locking the door??? How unsafe of you! OH yeah Hi!"

I giggled at Josh's greeting." Sorry I had to clean my room. HI Josh!"

" So what do you want to do? Watch a movie?" 

" Sure. Toy Story 3 good for you? I aven't watched that in a while."

" Sounds good to me. but we are going to need tissues, the ending is sad."

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