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Am I to be blamed for what happened, 

To the one who I didn't reach out to and bend, 

Am I to blamed for what might happen, 

To the one who slips by in front of me, 

Whilst I stand stranded among the deserts' glee, 

Am I at blame, a little part of me, 

For what destines to happen, 

Whilst I balance the flavors of so many peppers, 

Whilst I neaten every crinkle off my dress, 

Whilst I glue all the pieces, I can touch, back together, 

Or are these mere excuses? 

Excuses of the human mind that promises to resolve and revolve, 

Am I to feel guilt of what happens, 

If I blame my miseries on others, 

Then, am I right to retreat, be a silent observer for another, 

Whilst packing my own bags' lost-and-found, 

Whilst tending the ones around, 

Am I to be blamed for the others, 

Even after I promised myself not to let any suffer, 

Am I to be blamed for what happens, 

A part of it is because of me, 

Because of me who failed to tend to my sea!


September 2, 2020

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