Chapter 9 - Stand Up- Stand Firm

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All three of us rise in that instant. Dr. Alterman waves for us to be seated and in turn takes a seat among us at the table. His eyes land on Gran. "She's doing well and is now in recovery. The surgery went better than expected. We did have to remove the left ovary and fallopian tube. We've taken a biopsy of the pelvis and her stomach lining but the specialist is pretty optimistic those results will be benign. However, to be absolutely certain she will have radiation."

"What sort?" Gran spoke up.

"External Beam. It's just an insurance policy, Dorthea, to make certain she is cancer-free."

"You mean after the radiation she doesn't have to worry about cancer anymore?" I felt the excitement bubble up within me until I'd seen the doctor shaking his head no.

"She will be cancer-free for now. That's not to say the cancer can't come back or that her body won't be in danger of a different cancer forming, but we will continue to keep a close eye on her and hopefully, if it does happen again, we'll catch it early as we have now. "

"How long?" Brynn's Dad asked still shooting daggers with his look my way.

"How long for what?" Dr. Alterman asked.

"Everything. How long for recovery? How long for the treatments? When is she done EVERYTHING?" He emphasized the last word.

"We'll want her to heal up from the surgery first before we start treatment as it can cause her immune system to weaken during that time. So we'll want to start when she is at her best. I'd say roughly 2 months."

"2 months?" I guess it's a small price to pay for her being cancer-free but she'll miss Prom and she'll be cutting it close to missing graduation, too.

"She needs to put the time in if she wants to be fully healed and cancer-free."

"Understood," Gran said but she reached across the table and squeezed my hand and I had to wonder if she guessed what I was thinking of.

I smile at her and asked the doctor, "When can we see her?"

"She is in Recovery, once she comes out of the anesthesia and the nurse feels she's good, they'll send someone to get you. You won't all be able to go back at once of course but keep in mind it's still early in the day so if you don't see her in Recovery then you'll see her in her room."

"Do you have any other questions?"

Gran shook her head no. Brynn's Dad just sat there looking pensive and didn't say a word, so the doctor got up to leave. When he was about to reach the doorway a question sprung to my mind. "Dr. Alterman?!"

He stopped and I walked over to him. We were far enough away from the table that I did not believe I'd be overheard when I asked, "Will she still be able to have children?"

Dr. Alterman's eyes widened in surprise at my question. "Are you and Brynn, sexually active?"

Embarrassed I feel my face flush. "Uh... uh no... that's not why I'm asking... I just know that it was her main concern for having this surgery. That she would have to have a hysterectomy and not be able to have kids."

"I see," he looked at me and replied honestly, "I understand your concern for Brynn but I don't believe that is something I should be discussing with you."

"Oh," I felt foolish for asking. Must be some sort of breach confidentiality, or something like that. "Could you please be certain she knows that result right away. She was really focused on this point and it would relieve her mind greatly if she knew."

"I understand. And Finn? Is it?"

"Yes, sir."

"If you and Brynn are sexually active it's important you know she must wait until she is fully healed before engaging in sexual activity again. During treatment, it would be fine but be patient with her if she doesn't feel up to the task. Her energy and comfort levels will be low, but hugging, kissing, holding hands, even massages can do a lot to be reassuring."

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