- Troy & Madison & James -

Start from the beginning

A cynical smirk stretched James's thin lips when watching Jeremiah's youngest and troubled son. Troy shifted about, but was also so unnaturally still. He was usually withdrawn, but always had people around him even if he never forced attention on him. His men respected Troy and he was a responsible and fit leader. Even Cristine attested to that... it was just his lack of control over his emotions and volatility that put him in situations like this. With raised brows, James turned away from Madison to really look at Troy. He didn't look away as he did when Madison stared at him. Good. James thought. It wasn't natural to avert your gaze from one you trusted. It created distance and a lack of self-worth. Weakness. And Troy wasn't weak. James protected Troy, Jake and Tracy from the Nation's harassment and intimidation pre-apocalypse. Killed the trespassers. There was a familiar feel in James his chest and synapses that reminded Troy of Cristine and he vaguely pieced together that in a way his daughter would appreciate it that he'd protect her friend. "I know you think you do son, but being coerced isn't backing someone up. It's called blackmail and frankly if that's needed to really trust someone to do something for you and not out of loyalty, you need to watch your back." James explained the silent young man coolly, whose expression was open with wonder and confusion. It was probably odd to hear him speak about said coercer as if she wasn't present in the room and was surprised by his words. "It means their dependability only goes so far. They'll eventually put you down like a burdensome stray."

"Let's put that to test then." Madison's pupils dilated, chin high and guarding her personal space. The acrid tune behind her voice was tens and didn't leave room for interpretation. Her lips curled, "since my loyalty means jack shit to you, you don't mind if the Ranch knows what really happened? How you scalped your good friend going on for forty years, sawed that of his wife and children to cover it up. I'm sure people are interested in that story."

James watched Troy shift on his legs about, a nervous and antsy tick. "Hm," James nodded to himself with a hum as if he'd made his point without having to lift a finger. He cocked a brow at Troy and gave him a look that said 'see?' before turning to Madison. His eyes looked like her retort was amusing, but his face didn't. Callous eyes that didn't allow reading the thoughts that went through his head. "The word of a stranger whose been here for a week against that of a well-respected Founding Father and Otto's youngest of kin..." Presenting the possible scenario of how that would turn out and as much as Madison tried to disagree she clearly knew he was right. "We both know how that will play out."

"I have my family to think about." Madison glared at Jeremiah with a made up mind. She wasn't afraid of this man that thought he had the upper hand. She'd force him if that was necessary. Bend his arm. And it seemed that was in necessary. If he was going to play it like this, she'd rip away what James loved and cherished. She would use his loved ones so their goals aligned and he'd help her save Alicia. That was the only thing that mattered. To hell with this place if her children weren't safe.

"We all do," James commented.

"Then you don't mind if your daughters hear what their father's done." As brief as it was, Madison noted the light twitch of his muscle near the corner of his nostril. She stepped within James personal space like a snake who had slithered her way around from another vantage point. "What he did in the name of family. What he convinces himself that the daughter he desperately wants to make things right with will understand. She won't. Because she's different than us. This is a line Cristine won't ever cross even if you've convinced yourself that she would. She will resent you."

During the heated exchanged, filled with words of hidden and not so hidden threats, Troy twitched at Madison's statement and frowned. She didn't know Cristine like he did. All the conversations the two of them had. The plans they discussed. Sacrifices they needed to make to maintain law and order. That was how they worked even if it did cross lines. Troy'd coaxed her after what James and Blake had done and she understood that too, eventually. Trust and vows of loyalty always came first. Troy never questioned any of that, not after all the progress they made. He lost control with the Trimbols, but Cristine would understand like her father did. With that conviction, Troy noted to how Madison poked and prodded James. If there was a slither of truth to what Madison said, it would only be because the mother would twist it and turn Cristine against her family. Against him. Troy tipped his chin down and rubbed his faintly bruised knuckles with his calloused fingertips. He wouldn't stand for anyone trying ruin his loyalties. He'd protect it. It wouldn't be the first time he'd have Cristine on his side and neither would it be the last. He just needed to solidify it before Madison could spit her poison. So, before leaving, Troy would placate Cristine and take control of the narrative. Before it was threatened like she threatened to do destroy James his father-daughter relationship. He heard James answer Madison in a poisonous tune that was in line with his own feelings.

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