telling the family

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"Its okay sine I know now I can be a support type person, holding your hand and all that jazz." Alice continued to babble.

"What makes you think mum will be happy with me being pregnant?" Cindy was still so confused.

"Isn't it obvious she wants to be a Nana she'd love it. Dad will only 100% love love this if it's a boy, just a little more ify if its a girl you know but your daddy's girl so if you act real happy telling them then he'll have to be happy. It's basic logic C."

Cindy just nodded she still couldn't see her sisters point clearly and was regretting the choice of not letting James go with her to Alice's, he'd probably already be at her parents suburb house being interrogated as to why Cindy didn't go with him.

The place was spotless the wood on the walls shone. The white leather lounge set lightened the room and the kitchen tiles reflected the ceiling.

Tina, James and Mun and Dad sat around the table passing plates and scones, milk for coffees or tea and jam and creme for short bread biscuits. They smiled polightly at Cindy and Alice as they joined them at the table.

"James tells us you have some news Cindy." Her mother smiled. It's not a question, odd.

"Oh yeah just some stuff nothing to big." Cindy replied.

"Really because he said that it's very important but you want to tell us." Cindy's dad spoke then.

"Well if you must know I'm pregnant."

After that last word her parents and Tina's cutlery clattered against their plates. Their faces looking rather fish like.

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