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Operation: Urban Angel
Day 300 - 10:08:40
Location: Junior's Bar
USS - Bravo Team Member "Jet"]

White Fang: *On scroll* Hello? Yeah, can I speak to the chief please? ... Not available?... Well look, I was just wondering if the rocket plan was still in action. ... You know, the rocket plan. Firing up that space station into orbit? ... Yeah, the one where we can just sit around- No, I- You know... Luxurious lounges... Plenty of room... Great view of Remnant... Far enough away from any meddling governments... Yeah, still happenin' then? ... Ye-Right, w-we're leaving from that jungle base in Menagerie then, right? ... What? Relax, mate! No one's going to be listenin' in here! ... You really think someone's going to try and steal and entire rocket?! You must be mental. ... Right. ... Yeah. ... I'll see you soon then...

Jet: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Jet: This is Bravo 1-4 to Wizard 1-1, how copy?

Ozpin: This is Wizard 1-1, send traffic 1-4.

Jet: I'm about to do a pro gamer move.

Ozpin: How so?

Jet: White Fang in Menagerie are building a rocket to go into orbit, they plan to use it as a base of operations and as a safe haven.

Ozpin: Dear god...

Jet: Yeah, I'm coming in to Beacon right now, let me get in uniform and loaded up. I will be ready to go in 15 minutes, have a airship on standby for me to fly.

Ozpin: What is your plan?

Jet: Just watch Ozpin, you just get ready for your date with death, 1-4 out.


Yang: You're doing what?!?

Jet: I'm stealing a space station, I'm going to prevent the White Fang from becoming unstoppable. And as a side effect Salem will be powerless when the White Fang fall, she will have no more allies and she will be forced to go on that date with Ozpin.

Neo: And why are you doing this alone?

Jet: So I can work my magic, just trust me. When have I ever failed?

Yang: Aren't you here at Beacon because you failed a mission for the USS?

Jet: That is ONE fail and countless other successes. I come from tough stock.

Sienna: Well you better not die, if you do I'll bring you back and kill you again.

Jet: Noted. There is one last thing I want to do before I leave though, just encase I don't come back.

Yang: Jet-

Jet: No Yang, it's time to get the sappy shit over with.


Jet: Thank you all for coming here today...

Looking into the small crowd I have all of my friends and family in the immediate area. We got Teams RWBY, JNPR, JANJ, CFVY, Neo, Sienna, hell, even Goodwitch and Ozpin are here. The latter know what is about to happen, may the rest take this well.

Jet: I would like to thank you all for everything you have done for me, in being supportive and torative of me while I transitioned to a more normal life and became a bit softer. I would like to thank Team RWBY for the crazy times, you always found a way to brighten up my day with something crazy. I would like to thank Team JNPR for bringing calm to my crazy life, you always were able to keep me grounded and sane. I would like to thank Team JANJ for being more than teammates, but brothers and sisters. You guys and girl were one of the best damn mates I ever worked and bonded with. I would like to thank Team CFVY for being a nice balance of everything I stated previously, with the MVP being Velvet for feeding my fanbase that I didn't know I had at first. Also the shades were dope Coco, Dziękuję Ci. Thank you Neo and Sienna for switching sides for me, it brings hope to me that people can change. And last but certainly not least, thank you Ozpin and Goodwitch for giving me the opportunity to change, I would be dead in a ditch somewhere if it wasn't for your kindness and mercy.

Operation Urban Angel (ResidentEvilMaleReader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now