"Blending In" [Alastor x Reader!Florist]

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"Is there... something wrong with them?" I asked him slowly and carefully. "I could always get you a new batch or grow some fresh seeds so you can most definitely have finest black and red roses I have to offer?" I continued on, still waiting for his response to my first question.

"Oh no no no! These will do just fine my dear. They will be much of a please to whom they are going too." He stated with a reassurance and calmness to his tone. Alastor proceeded to pull out the small brown personalized leather wallet he had in his coat pocket so he could pull out his cash. Granted this was hell and he could of easily decided to not pay me and just go on his way. It's not like I would have been able to stop him, he was pretty much one of the most powerful over lords of hell, but he was kind like that and always insisted on paying me.

"Here you are my dear. $66.00 exact, nothing more and nothing less and on top of that. Here is a small tip just for consistently giving me good customer service!" He states while glaring down at me in a menacing way that almost made him look really sexy.

He turned to walk away and I took the now $96.00 and brought it back to the shop to put in my deposit for the store. Since there were no more customers and the day was coming to an end l decided it was time to close up shop. As I made my usual rounds and locked all the doors, made sure security was on and all the flowers and pottery supplies were put back where they belonged I couldn't help but continue asking myself, Why did he need all those flowers and who were they for? Questions similar this continued swirling in my head and the more I thought about it, the more question I had.
More and more intrusive questions continue to blossom as you made your way around the boutique doing whatever it is you needed to do. After having finished your usual end of the day errands; you walked to the front of the store and decided to lock up shop for the night. When opening the door you were met with that good ol' familiar jingling bell sound that all gas station markets usually have.

A cold gusts of wind swept across you face and body reminding you of how late it was getting and that you needed to head home soon before Hell was blanketed in darkness and unsafe for a passive creature such as yourself. As you finished locking the door and checking it twice you could see hints of black starting to blend with the now red and orange sky above you.

You made my way home with the thought of Alastor and everything that had taken place that day. Now why would he all of a sudden fancy a date. He is the literal overlord of hell for Christ sake! Thoughts such as these swam about your head jumping and diving through the playground of your mind. By the time you arrived home you were exhausted from the long day and the neverending thoughts of you fellow radio demon that you had a small amount of feels for. After you had taken your hot shower, and cleansed your body of the dirt and sweat that was on it from the outside world; you made your way to your dimly lit room and laid your head upon your silky velveteen pillow and drifted off into a land of sweet release and sleep.

~~the very next day at the shop~~

"Will that be all sir." you stated to the small chunky looking demon sitting with a stubby nose and face like a cabbage and dirty tangled dry straw for hair. he looked up at you contemplating your question for a sec before answering,

"Yes. That will be all my dear." he stated back to you while flashing his pointy little crooked vanilla teeth your way. You finished off her purchase with a small white ribbon bow around the purple ceramic paper before handing the yellow tulips to strange purple demon and having him pay the $15.69 he owed you.

After she had left there were a few more customers a little while later before Alastor had decided to show up to your shop once again. You took one look at him and scoffed slightly feeling hurt by his presence and the fact that he had you wrapped his pointy little finger without him knowing. Little did you know, the Radio Demon was more intuned to your emotions and thoughts alot more easily then you could imagine.

"A Hellish Scenario" [Alastor x Reader : Request : CLOSED FOR NOW]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora