Chapter 24: "She knows about Addison."

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"So Allison blackmailed Crystal into betraying Francesca?" Detective Richardson asked.


"But why would she murder her if she had already got what she wanted all along?"

"Detective, the real thrill isn't just... finishing someone off. It's the sheer excitement of watching someone tremble right before your eyes, begging you to kill them and end it in an instant. Murderers like the one here, wanted everyone to suffer, to die each day, slower and slower, paying for their deeds. It wasn't just a murder mystery now. It was a game."


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O C T O B E R   2 9,   2 0 1 9

O C T O B E R   2 9,   2 0 1 9

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"So this is it. The moment we've been waiting for all along," I said enthusiastically, my gaze fixed on the setting sun in the distance.

"Well, I knew we had the potential to be the best," Francesca shrugged.

"I, for one, solemnly pledge to uphold the dignity and stature of Beacon Heights," Josh said, keeping his hand against his chest.

"Spoken like a true patriot."

"Arigatōgozaimashita," Josh bowed.

"De rien." The two pairs of eyes turned to me.

"Um... Gwaenchanayo," I replied, right before a car pulled up before us as the driver rolled down the window.

"Get in. We've to get there fast," principal Hawthorne said and we followed his instructions. Inside, I noticed that he was accompanied by his wife. An uncomfortable tension engulfed the environment. "Who among you will be presenting?"

"Francesca will."

"Alright, the event starts at 6.30 p.m. I'll let you know when it's your turn." The three of us nodded silently.


After a fifteen-minute ride, we reached the 'Avant-garde.' The venue was adorned with tiny, golden lights bordering the lavender and rose petals. A majestic fountain with crystal-clear water pouring out of it was the central attraction.

The Butterfly Effect (Books 1, 2 & 3 - The Butterfly Effect Series)  #wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now