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"You're not my son so I'd like for you to get out of this house!"

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"You're not my son so I'd like for you to get out of this house!"

"Fine, I never wanted to stay here anyway! I'm tired of dealing with you, you're such a homophobic piece of trash anyway."

"You little-"

"Go ahead and hit me, you bastard! I'll fucking report you! That'll just make it easier to inherit my mother's money! So at this point, I want you to lay a finger on me! Give the bank a reason to give me the money right now because without it how will you even take care of your other son?!"



"Brother, can I stay with you?"

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"Brother, can I stay with you?"

"Are you trying to give that asshole a reason to find me? He'll accuse me of kidnapping you or some shit."

"He won't, I got him to sign these papers while drunk, so if he realized that I'm not home and calls the police, there's no way they can charge you or take me back because you'll have custody of me."

"And this is why mother put you in that Academy for the gifted. You're a bit too smart for your age. You can stay but that doesn't mean slack off on your work."

"Thank you! Also, you should stop smoking if you're trying to become a model."

"I started to stress when you decide to Houdini your way onto my front porch."

"Man it's getting hard to support us both

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"Man it's getting hard to support us both..."

"Just get a sugar daddy, M/n."

"That's your answer for everything, Vil. You suggested that seven times already and I turned you down each time. And what Sugar daddy would pick someone like me? I have a brother to take care of, I'm basically the equivalent of a single parent even though there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but some guys just don't want that."

"Look, there's this guy that no one has caught as their sugar daddy yet. Maybe you're the one who'll get him. I'm tired of seeing you in such a drowning situation where you feel like you're running out of air."

"I know, Villy. Fine, tell me about mister can't be caught."

"Well, he likes to be dominated by cute guys like yourself. You know, Long hair, beautiful doe eyes, slim, and can take charge. That's you, baby boy."

"Give me a couple of months just in case my luck with photoshoots kick up. Then I'll think about it."

"I must be the unluckiest person alive

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"I must be the unluckiest person alive..."

"Then I must be the luckiest to stumble upon something as beautiful as yourself. Might I have your name?"

"Give me yours first, then I'll think about handing off my name to you."

"I like that...The names Divus Crewel."

"Hmm, My name is M/n Rosehearts."

"You're too beautiful to be crying at a bar like this...How about we go somewhere nicer and we get to know each other? I might even have something to offer you."

"Better be a nice place or I'll straight up leave your ass there like a fool."

"Of course baby~"

"Of course baby~"

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Sugar daddy『 Divus Crewel x Sugar baby!Male 』Where stories live. Discover now