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I am a rogue wave

and capsizing cruise liners

is the least of my worries

I tear at my wakes to dip my caps

with the whites of eyes and

dull fin tips

I am too tall to push the sand away

but the starfish know what I meant

and if they don't, oh well

There is no making up

or made up rolls that I press

or play

My colors aren't perfect and

my mood isn't set in abalone or stone,

My momentum isn't momentous

and by the time I chill children's feet

or toss seaglass at gulls,

my hours and loneliness will pass

There's no need to feel winsome

or dynamic, wild, or otherwise

because I've been those things

from fishers to warships

jellyfish to crashing whales

great people will still sink -

the decrepit ones will weather on,


and so will I, in spite of everything this ocean of mine

has to offer

however roguish it may be

ReAnimation: A Poetry CollectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora