Chapter 1 - Magic

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I am a 21 year old senior in college, it's one of the happiest moments of my life mostly since I was pretty popular. I have long red hair with beautiful dark green eyes, I was wearing a red skirt and a black halter top. I have also been really skinning so I didn't really have to worry about my body but I still took care of it. My friends took me out to a bar since we had just finished our end of the year test's and were excited to be graduating from college later this year. My friends noticed this guy staring at me so they hinted it out to me, but the guy gave me a weird vibe so I told them I wasn't interested in him. They know that when I get these feelings that there usually right since its happened before I was happy that they didn't pressure me into asking the guy for a dance. Although I never thought he would follow me home early the next morning since just before I opened the door I felt a sharp point at my back which had me freezing. He made me open there door before pushing me inside which had me wanting to run but he grabbed my hair stopping me. He tried to rape me but I kept fighting so he got madder by the minute and wound up plunging their knife into my chest killing me. The next thing I know is that I'm looking at a person in pure white, before being handed to a woman who I had read about; Lily Potter.

I had read all the Harry Potter books so I pretty much knew what would happen and I wanted to protect my new parents and little brother. However when I was taken away for my bath I could see the worry in moms eyes which had me upset I could also see Harry. He was staring at nothing which is normal for newborn babies but that's when I remembered about this prophecy. It said that so long as Harry was alive that Voldemort would perish along with a few other details. I knew we would have a hard time growing up but also being happy after eleven years if I couldn't save my family.

When we got back I heard our parents talking about us but also about something else which had me wondering what was wrong. "Lily were going to have to teach her how to control her powers otherwise there going to go out of control." I saw mom sigh as I was placed in her arms just before people came running in smiling while congratulating our parents. I kept staring at a guy in black clothes with shaggy black hair and swirling grey eyes who I immediately recognized as Sirius Black. I gave him a big smile happy that he was alright, me smiling seemed to make everyone smile but I was just happy to have another chance at life. "James what are we going to do about Serena? Her magic power is to strong for her to control right now..." Then this old guy with a long beard walked into the room wearing purple robes and halfmoon spectacles. I recognized him right away as Albus Dumbledore the headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Do not fret Mrs. Potter, I will place a spell over her so her magic will only come out in small amounts. It will break when she has full control over her magic she will be fine." Mom smiled at him as he pulled out a stick which I knew was his wand before he said something in a weird language.

"Thank you Albus, it really means a lot to us." I looked over at dad glad that he was alright at least for now but I wanted them to always be with us. The months flew by when we got to the safe house that had been set up for us, I was playing with dad and Harry in the living room. Then all of a sudden chills went through my body which had me freezing as well as crying. That had mom and dad both running to me with Harry concerned wondering why I was crying. However right then the door started to pound as if someone was knocking, which had me crawling to mom forgetting that I was still a newborn baby. "Lily take the kids and get out of here! I'll hold him off!" I felt mom pick me up before she started running but I didn't like it, I wanted papa to come to so I reached for him still crying. I could hear people screaming before mom shut the door in our baby room before placing us in our crib. I grabbed onto mom's wrist by her sleeve not wanting her to leave and she smiled at that. "You're both such pretty babies, dont worry mommy and daddy will protect you... you'll be safe little ones... and never forget we love you very much." Then the door to our room burst open which in stepped the person who just killed our dad; Voldemort the dark lord.

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