Chapter 9

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Friday 6pm
I was currently unpacking my suitcase and picked out my Fenty pajamas. I was heading for a shower after a long ride back home. It was fun but now kicks in reality.

Heading to the shower, my phone went off for the seventeenth time today. It's Trevor. Earlier on the plane, I did pick a fight with him.

I didn't like how Trevor was being to me today. He's being extremely clingy and when I asked for a moment it was like he turned into a big baby.

Here we are on a plane with our attitudes I guess. Catching up on a one of many seasons of  Greys Anatomy, I see this flight attendee bending over to hand Trevor his drink and food. I ain't say none cause for some reason I woke up in a mood today. I didn't wanna cause a scene but my leg is literally on him. Y'all her boobs were all over the place AND her ass was flirty and smiling too.

Trevor's.. friendly and doesn't realize when a girl wants him. You literally have to say the words out your mouth. I took out one of my head phones just to hear what the fuck was funny.

"Well, what you've chosen is a very good meal, a man like you needs his protein." She said biting her lips a little

I rolled my eyes and read her name tag that read " Toria"

The fuck is a Toria??

" Thank you." He said and began to look towards his meal. Which was looking good

He had what look like baked Chicken breast with asparagus and potatoes and broccoli. Now at this point you'd think the hoe would be gone and doing her job. Aaannnnnnntttttt. Wrong she still standing here.

"Excuse me can I get a glass of champagne?" I asked staring at her. I ain't even say please to this hoe cause she trying it.

"I'll ask ano-" She started but I cut her off

"Look, na I done asked you to get me a glass of champagne. You ain't got no problem flashing ya titties around all over the place all up in my man face and I'm deflee not about to sit here and have a thirsty ass hoe like you disrespecting me!" I said while taking out my other headphone and putting my phone down.

"Baby, calm down." I heard Trevor say

I don't know why but that send me over the edge. I'm guessing this was the manager approaching cause he was walking fast to the scene.

"Hello, my name is Jeffery and I'm the head manager on the plane is there a problem?" He asked

I explained what happened and of course he gave it to her. He even offered all our meals and drinks free.


There was an hour left on the plane and I was on my third glass of champagne when I felts Trevor's eyes burning the side of my face. I turned taking my headphones out and looked back at him.

"What?" I asked looking at him

"What's going on with you today?" He asked sitting his head in his palm

"Nothing, I'm cool ." I said

"You've been in a mood all day." He said

For some reason that was a sign for me to automatically shut down. I didn't want to talk about my feelings. Which was why I woke up in a mood because I didn't want to open up. I wanted to leave it be until I needed to deal with it.

"I just said I'm cool, why you doing this?" I said as it was starting to irritate me

"See, right there. If you don't wanna talk about your feelings say that but don't be sitting here picking a fight for no reason. You know I'm the one you can talk to and you know I ain't gone push for you to talk to me but don't treat me like I did it." He said and with that he put in his headphones

Once we landed,  I didn't even say anything to him. I ordered a ride before we landed and went right to it. No good byes nothing.

I need to be alone so, my place I go.

*flashback over*

Since, he's been blowing me up.

Getting in the shower, I let the water run on my body. Hearing my phone go off again. It made me overwhelmed and I started to cry.

Pain is not what I want to feel but I do. I honestly needed Cashmere. Nothing against Trevor but my pain is with him. I need to get this over with as soon as possible. Ad least I think I can.

Will I?


I've called Riley twenty five times and she still hasn't answered. Why the hell is she being like this today? To me? Why is she pushing me away? I threw my phone against the wall in anger. I knew it could be broken but shit it's to much happening and it's hard to deal with when I don't feel like I have reassurance on my girlfriend.

Zendaya was waiting for me to come and get my stuff and LA was a far trip so of course I asked Iyn to come with me. Plus I didn't trust myself to go alone. Not in the state of mind that I'm in now.

I decided to fly to LA tonight. I'll leave Ry be but when I get home Sunday night it's a done deal. We gotta talk.

"You sure you gone be cool? I know it been a while since you been here." Iyn said

"I don't know bro. I did some fucked up shit. I had a wife and I didn't even make it through the ten year mark." I said sighing rubbing my hand across my face as we arrived to our hotel.

The time was 9:45pm. I'll go to the house in the morning and fill out whatever papers needed so this can be done and over with.

"Listen, every relationship isn't perfect. You guys we're young and inlove I can see why y'all did it but at the same time y'all didn't have enough life skills to know if you both were ready for a marriage or to even marry each other. Your my brother and I support whatever choice you make but you gotta go through that mistake and look back at it as a lesson." He said grabbing his bag out of the trunk with me following along to grab my bag as well.

Everything was digital so I checked us in by my phone and then made our way to our room.

I couldn't help but to think of Riley. I sent her a text .

- Thinking of you 😘

I tossed my phone and flopped on the bed I'd be sleeping on. I knew what today's events were about. I just wanted her to express that to me not be a complete bitch for no reason. She was acting like that because she now has to face her reality. The conversation she doesn't want to have. It's harder to talk about it not you feel like you can't. I don't know why she feels like I can't.

Again she isn't a bitch, just acting like one.

"Alright bro , ima see you in the AM." Iyn said after dropping his bag

"Wha- where you going?" I asked confused; like he's really leaving me alone? At a time like this.

"I got friends here, did you forget? Ima go out for a few hours but I'll be back before your even up." He said as he walked right out the door

So here I am alone in this hotel room. At this time I would've called Ry but she isn't even talking to me as is. So what's next?

Short chapter I know. I wanted to give you guys something but the next chapter will be lit.❤️

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